CESPYD student awarded by the scientific committee at the 1st International Congress on African and Decolonial Studies

Blanca Vera, a PhD student in Social Psychology, was awarded under the category ” Proyecto Entre Márgenes e Intersecciones ” as the best communication of the congress presented and defended by Andalusian students. Proyecto Entre Márgenes e Intersecciones focuses on incorporating the African perspective in university studies, promoting in-depth research...

5 de December de 2023

CESPYD hosts and participates in the organisation of the 1st International Congress on African and Decolonial Studies: contributions to the deconstruction of academic thought

On 29, 30 November and 1 December 2023, the 1st International Conference on African and Decolonial Studies: contributions to the deconstruction of academic thought was held at the Faculty of Psychology, where members of the CESPYD team participated as the organising committee and made scientific contributions.   To overcome the...

4 de December de 2023

CESPYD members participate in the YOU.TH Project: “Tools for Inclusive”.

Rocío Garrido and Blanca Vera, members of CESPYD, participants in the YOU.TH Project: “Tools for Inclusive” within the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) funded by the European Union. This project aims to promote the use of digital and creative tools (mainly theatre) for promoting social justice and developing advocacy with...

22 de November de 2023

ANDAROMI: Empowering andalusian Romani mother-daughter womanhood mattering through reproductive justice

Coordinators: Daniela-Eugenia Miranda and Manuel García-Ramírez. Duration: Ongoing project. Abstract: The post-pandemic Spain must ensure that the next generations of Romani women definitively overcome the inequalities they have suffered for centuries and harness new emerging opportunities. It is widely recognized that Romani women and girls are in risk of facing even a...

20 de December de 2022

NEXTROM: Digitising the new Roma generations

Coordinators: Manuel García-Ramírez and Virginia Paloma. Duration: Ongoing project. Abstract: Post-COVID Europe must ensure that the next generations of Roma people overcome the inequalities they have suffered for centuries. The pandemic has catalysed these inequalities and risks further exacerbating their difficulties in accessing decent housing, access to employment and fair working conditions,...

Experience of Discrimination during COVID-19 Pandemic: the Impact of Public Health Measures and Psychological Distress among Refugees and other Migrants in Europe

Reference: Marchi, M., Magarini, F.M., Chiarenza, A., Galeazzi, G.M., Paloma, V., Garrido, R., et al. (2022). Experience of discrimination during COVID-19 pandemic: the impact of public health measures and psychological distress among refugees and other migrants in Europe. BMC Public Health 22, 942. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-13370-y. Abstract: Background. The COVID-19 pandemic has...

15 de May de 2022

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Psychological Well-being of Migrants and Refugees Settled in Spain

Reference: Garrido, R., Paloma, V., Benítez, I., Skovdal, M., Verelest, A. & Derluyn, I. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the psychological well-being of migrants and refugees settled in Spain. Ethnicity & Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/13557858.2022.2035692. Abstract: Objectives. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated health inequalities worldwide, having a disproportionately harsh impact on...

12 de February de 2022

COVID-19: How One-size-fits-all Policies Negatively Impact the Roma Population

Reference: Ana Gutiérrez-Martínez, Susana Gema Alés Álvarez, Tainara Paulon Protasio & Daniela E. Miranda. COVID-19: how one-size-fits-all policies negatively impact the Roma population. European Public Health Alliance (EPHA). Abstract: Public policies concerning health and economic recovery have ignored the specific experiences of Roma families and communities during the pandemic. Scientific...

16 de December de 2021

Virginia Paloma, CESPYD Coordinator, on Noticias 7

En el informativo de 7 TV Andalucía han entrevistado a Virginia Paloma la coordinadora de CESPYD acerca del estudio Apart Together y sus resultados a nivel internacional. Os dejamos el fragmento del informativo en el que podéis ver la entrevista que le hizo Moisés Ruz a nuestra compañera Virginia Paloma. Pinchad...

Mental Health of Refugees and Migrants during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Experienced Discrimination and Daily Stressors

Reference: Spiritus-Beerden, E., Verelst, A., Devlieger, I., Langer-Primdahl, N., Botelho-Guedes, F., Chiarenza, A., De Maesschalck, S., Durbeej, N., Garrido, R., Gaspar de Matos, M., Ioannidi, E., Murphy, R., Oulahal, R., Osman, F., Padilla, B., Paloma, V., Shehadeh, A., Sturm, G., van den Muijsenbergh, M., Vasilikou, K., Watters, C., Willems, S.,...

11 de June de 2021

El Impacto Social de la COVID-19 en la Población Migrante

Reference: Paloma, V. & Garrido, R. (2021). ApartTogether: Estudio sobre el impacto psicosocial de la COVID-19 en población migrante y refugiada en España y el mundo. Dosier RECI 3. RECI – Red de Ciudades Interculturales. Abstract: El objetivo de la contribución en este dosier es ofrecer de manera divulgativa los principales...

7 de June de 2021

Energy Poverty in Torreblanca and Polígono Sur: The Current Situation

The group of Roma women from Polígono Sur and Torreblanca, through their grassroots organization YILÓ, @somosyilo, is denouncing the constant problems in their neighborhoods due to the constant power cuts. They expressed this situation during a heat wave last August, now, in the middle of a cold wave, the cuts...

22 de January de 2021

ApartTogether Survey: Preliminary Overview of Refugees and Migrants Self-reported Impact of COVID-19

Reference: World Health Organization. (2020). ApartTogether survey: Preliminary overview of refugees and migrants self-reported impact of COVID-19. Geneva: World Health Organization. Licence: CC BY‐NC‐SA 3.0 IGO. Abstract: ApartTogether is a collaboration between World Health Organization​ and a consortium of research centres led by Prof. Ilse Derluyn and Dr. An Verelst...

20 de December de 2020

A Reproductive Justice Lens in COVID19 Times: the Rights of Roma Girls

On World Children’s Day in the climate of COVID-19 we must highlight the urgent challenge to protect the rights of Roma girls across Europe. COVID-19 has marked a grim time in which Roma girls have experienced a significant loss in their closest networks, insufficient resources to continue their schooling at home, the...

1 de December de 2020

THE OTHER FRONT LINE: Global voices for social justice

  Coordinator: Jennie Popay (University of Lancaster). Duration: Ongoing project. Abstract: Untold stories from disadvantaged groups affected by COVID-19 are being collected and publicised in an international initiative to highlight the devastating impact of the pandemic and advocate for social justice to be at the fore front of the recovery. Before...

14 de November de 2020

COVID-19 Effects on Roma Health Rights and Social Determinants in Seville

Seville, 16 May 2020. Following the meeting with the Mayor of Seville, Juan Espadas, on Wednesday 6th May, Roma women, CESPYD, Studio 41013 and other collaborators developed a policy brief with a set of recommendations that have been proposed to the City Council. Roma populations of Seville suffer a constant violation of their human...

16 de May de 2020

Advocating for Roma Rights in the Face of the Coronavirus Crisis

Seville, 8 May 2020. CESPYD, together with a group of Roma women, leaders of community organizations, researchers and journalists are concerned about the consequences that the crisis of the coronavirus is having on the neighbors who live in the most unjust conditions during the confinement period in Seville (Spain). In...

8 de May de 2020

APART TOGETHER: Studying the impact of COVID-19 on migrants and refugees

Coordinators: Virginia Paloma and Rocío Garrido. Duration: 2020-2021. Abstract: The current COVID-19 pandemic has a big impact on the whole world. This study aims to better understand the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken to prevent it on migrants and refugees around Europe. Up till now there is...

24 de April de 2020