Development and Validation of the Cultural Competence Assessment Instrument: A Factorial Analysis
Referencia: Suárez-Balcazar-, Y., Balcazar, F., Taylor-Ritzler, T., Portillo, N., Rodakowsk, J., Garcia-Ramirez, M. y Willis, C. (2011). Development and validation of the cultural competence assessment instrument: A factorial analysis. Journal of Rehabilitation, 4-13.
Resumen: The purpose of this study was to develop and validate an instrument to measure cultural competence among rehabilitation practitioners. The authors developed an instrument to measure perceived levels of cultural competence based on an extensive literature review, feedback from experts, and a synthesis of prevalent instruments and conceptual models of cultural competence available in the literature. The validation study was conducted with a random sample of 477 practitioners. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis yielded a three-factor model with the following components: cultural awareness/knowledge, cultural skills, and organizational support. The third factor is seldom addressed in the literature- the role of the organization in supporting practitioners’ efforts to engage in culturally appropriate practices. We discuss the research and practice implications of using a validated instrument to assess cultural competence among rehabilitation professionals.
Publicación completa: https://cespyd.es/a/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Developmentand.pdf