ApartTogether Survey: Preliminary Overview of Refugees and Migrants Self-reported Impact of COVID-19

Reference: World Health Organization. (2020). ApartTogether survey: Preliminary overview of refugees and migrants self-reported impact of COVID-19. Geneva: World Health Organization. Licence: CC BY‐NC‐SA 3.0 IGO. Abstract: ApartTogether is a collaboration between World Health Organization​ and a consortium of research centres led by Prof. Ilse Derluyn and Dr. An Verelst...

20 de December de 2020

A Reproductive Justice Lens in COVID19 Times: the Rights of Roma Girls

On World Children’s Day in the climate of COVID-19 we must highlight the urgent challenge to protect the rights of Roma girls across Europe. COVID-19 has marked a grim time in which Roma girls have experienced a significant loss in their closest networks, insufficient resources to continue their schooling at home, the...

1 de December de 2020

Training for Roma Health Advocacy: a Case Study of Torreblanca, Seville

Reference: Miranda DE, et al. Capacitación de población gitana en abogacía para la salud: un estudio de caso en Torreblanca, Sevilla. Gac Sanit. 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaceta.2020.09.002 Abstract: The objective of this study is to build advocacy capacity among a group of gipsy Roma neighbours living in contexts of risk of...

22 de November de 2020

[J]ITANA: A community-based participatory research-action on the rights of women leaded by Roma associations

Coordinators: Manuel García-Ramírez and Virginia Paloma. Duration: Ongoing project. Abstract: Spanish society faces the challenge of carrying out initiatives that consider Roma families and their teenage daughters, based on a human rights and gender perspective approach in the fight against anti-Gypsyism. The conditions in which Roma women and adolescents live are framed...

20 de November de 2020

RoMoMatteR: Empowering Roma Girls’ Mattering through Reproductive Justice

Reference: Garcia-Ramirez, M., Soto-Ponce, B., Albar-Marín, M.J., Parra-Casado, D.L., Popova, D., & Tomsa, R. (2020). RoMoMatteR: Empowering Roma Girls’ Mattering through Reproductive Justice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,17(22), 8498. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17228498 Abstract: Aim: To present a protocol study directed at tackling gender discrimination against Roma girls by...

18 de November de 2020

THE OTHER FRONT LINE: Global voices for social justice

  Coordinator: Jennie Popay (University of Lancaster). Duration: Ongoing project. Abstract: Untold stories from disadvantaged groups affected by COVID-19 are being collected and publicised in an international initiative to highlight the devastating impact of the pandemic and advocate for social justice to be at the fore front of the recovery. Before...

14 de November de 2020

ROMOMATTER: Empowering at-risk Roma girls’ mattering through reproductive justice

Coordinator: Manuel García-Ramírez. Duration: 2019-2021. Abstract: RoMoMatteR is a transnational project that tackles gender discrimination by empowering Roma girls. The project supports Roma girls in making informed decisions about their lives and reaching their full potential. RoMoMatteR involves Roma communities, civil society groups, local institutions and scientific communities from Bulgaria...

6 de November de 2020

Barriers to and Facilitators of Community Participation among Latinx Migrants with Disabilities in the United States and Latinx Migrant Workers in Canada: An Ecological Analysis

Reference: Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Viquez, F., Miranda, D., & Early, A.R. (2020). Barriers to and facilitators of community participation among Latinx migrants with disabilities in the United States and Latinx migrant workers in Canada: An ecological analysis. Journal of Community Psychology, 48 (8), 2773-2788. doi: 10.1002/jcop.22452 Abstract: Abstract Individuals migrate to improve their...

29 de October de 2020

Citizen’s Concentration: Human rights have no borders

A la opinión pública: El final del verano y el comienzo del otoño, que en muchos espacios se considera comienzo de nuevos proyectos y procesos, se presenta nefasto en general y especialmente denigrante para el colectivo de personas migrantes en España y Europa. Y aunque podemos seguir pensando que es...

13 de October de 2020

Building Meaningful Community Advocacy for Ethnic‐based Health Equity: The RoAd4Health Experience

Reference: Miranda, D., García-Ramírez, & M., Albar-Marín, M. J. (2020). Building Meaningful Community Advocacy for Ethnic‐based Health Equity: The RoAd4Health Experience. American Journal of Community Psychology. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12443 Abstract: The pervasive failure of policies aimed at overcoming health inequities suffered by European Roma reflects the oppressive and impoverished living conditions of many...

13 de September de 2020

A Community-Based Participatory Action Research for Roma Health Justice in a Deprived District in Spain

Reference: Miranda, D. E., Garcia-Ramirez, M., Balcazar, F. E., & Suarez-Balcazar, Y. (2019). A Community-Based Participatory Action Research for Roma Health Justice in a Deprived District in Spain. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(19), 3722. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16193722 Abstract: Addressing health disparities and promoting health equity for Roma...

1 de July de 2020

COVID-19 Effects on Roma Health Rights and Social Determinants in Seville

Seville, 16 May 2020. Following the meeting with the Mayor of Seville, Juan Espadas, on Wednesday 6th May, Roma women, CESPYD, Studio 41013 and other collaborators developed a policy brief with a set of recommendations that have been proposed to the City Council. Roma populations of Seville suffer a constant violation of their human...

16 de May de 2020

Advocating for Roma Rights in the Face of the Coronavirus Crisis

Seville, 8 May 2020. CESPYD, together with a group of Roma women, leaders of community organizations, researchers and journalists are concerned about the consequences that the crisis of the coronavirus is having on the neighbors who live in the most unjust conditions during the confinement period in Seville (Spain). In...

8 de May de 2020

DIVERSITY AND EQUITY IN IBERO-AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES: Characterization of good practices and identification of needs from the standpoint of psychology

Coordinator: Rocío Garrido. Duration: August-November 2019. Abstract: Since the suppression of homosexuality as a mental illness by the American Psychological Association in the 70-80s of the last century, there have been many advances in the recognition of LGTBIQ+ people rights around the world. The lack of guarantee of sexual rights...

1 de October de 2019

Effects of the Economic Crisis and Austerity Policies on Health and Health Care Access of Migrant Population in Southern European Countries: Scoping Review

Reference: Jordão, N. M., Freitas, C. D., & García Ramírez, M. (2018). Effects of the economic crisis and austerity policies on health and health care access of migrant population in southern European countries: scoping review. REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, 26(54), 213-230. Abstract: The aim of this article is to gather...

13 de December de 2018

Experimentos Virtuales de Intervenciones Sociales para la Mejora del Bienestar Inmigrante en Andalucía

Reference: Paloma, V. (Coord.) (2017). Experimentos virtuales de intervenciones sociales para la mejora del bienestar inmigrante en Andalucía. Sevilla: Centro de Estudios Andaluces. Abstract: El presente informe recoge los resultados del proyecto de investigación financiado por el Centro de Estudios Andaluces en la convocatoria 2014 denominado ‘Bienestar Inmigrante y Justicia...

27 de December de 2017

Photovoice as a Research-Intervention Tool for Youth Neighborhood Activism in Societally Vulnerable Contexts

Reference: Guariso, G. Paloma, V., Arias, S., Garrido, R., García-Ramírez, M. (2016). Photovoice as a Research-Intervention Tool for Youth Neighborhood Activism in Societally Vulnerable Contexts. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 7 (3), 1-18. Abstract: Teenagers who live in vulnerable neighborhoods have a higher probability of entering into a vicious circle where...

27 de December de 2016

TF MED: Task force migration, equity and diversity

Coordinator: Antonio Chiarenza (Health Authority of Reggio Emilia). Duration: 2016 – 2020. Abstract: The TF Migration, Equity & Diversity is established within the international HPH network with a specific mandate for coordination assigned to the HPH regional network of Emilia-Romagna (Italy) by the General Assembly and the Governance Board of...

11 de July de 2016


Coordinator: Manuel García-Ramírez. Duration: 2015-2016. Abstract: Roma health governance in the Polígono Sur (Seville, Spain) was implemented by the International Organization for Migrations, CESPYD and the Office of the Integral Plan of the Polígono Sur. The goal of this project is to ensure that the health programs, plans and policies are sensitive to...

1 de February de 2016

Well-Being and Social Justice Among Moroccan Migrants in Southern Spain

Reference: Paloma, V., García-Ramírez, M. y Camacho, C. (2014). Well-Being and Social Justice Among Moroccan Migrants in Southern Spain. American Journal of Community Psychology, 54, 1-11. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10464-014-9663-1 Abstract: The decision to migrate is normally based on expectations of improving one’s actual living conditions and herefore, one’s well-being. However, these expectations are...

22 de December de 2014

Community psychology contributions to the study of social inequalities, well-being and social justice

Reference: García-Ramírez, M., Balcázar, F. y De Freitas, C. (2014). Community psychology contributions to the study of social inequalities, well-being and social justice. Psychosocial Intervention, 23, 79-81. Abstract: This special issue of the Journal of Psychosocial Intervention aims to contribute to the understanding of human well-being as a matter of social justice....

20 de April de 2014

EQUIHEALTH: Fostering health provision for migrants, the Roma and other vulnerable groups

Coordinator: Roumyana Petrova Benedict (IOM Regional Office Brussels). Duration: 2013-2015. Abstract: The objective of the EQUIHEALTH action is to improve the access and appropriateness of health care services, health promotion and prevention to meet the needs of migrants, the Roma and other vulnerable ethnic minority groups, including irregular migrants residing...

1 de January de 2013

El Papel de las Organizaciones en la Psicología de la Liberación: Aplicaciones al Estudio de las Migraciones.

Reference: Paloma, V. & Manzano-Arrondo, V. (2011). El papel de las organizaciones en la Psicología de la Liberación: Aplicaciones al estudio de las migraciones. Psychosocial Intervention, 20, 309-318. doi: https://doi.org/10.5093/in2011v20n3a7 Abstract: La incorporación de la población inmigrante a la sociedad receptora se realiza frecuentemente bajo relaciones de poder asimétricas respecto a...

22 de December de 2011

Contributions of Liberation Psychology to the Integration of the Immigrant Population

Reference: Albar, M. J., Garcia-Ramirez, M., El Karkri, M., Luque-Ribelles, V. et al. (2010) .Contributions of Liberation Psychology to the Integration of the Immigrant Population. Psychosocial Intervention, 19, 223-234. Abstract: Mobility is a human dimension that has been a part of human behaviour since humanity began. However, the actual exodus of...

1 de March de 2010

Gendering Peace and Liberation: A Participatory-action Approach to Critical Consciousness Acquisition among Women in a Marginalized Neighborhood

Reference: Luque-Ribelles, V., Garcia-Ramirez, M. y Portillo, N. (2009). Gendering peace and liberation: A participatory-action approach to critical consciousness acquisition among women in a marginalized neighborhood. In The Psychology of Liberation: Theory and Application. Nueva York: Springer. Full text: https://cespyd.es/a/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Genderingpeace.pdf

2 de June de 2009

COMMUNITY INTEGRATION OF MOROCCAN IMMIGRANTS in Andalusia. Predictive factors and action plan

Coordinator: Manuel García-Ramírez. Duration: 2006-2009. Abstract: Community integration is the acculturation strategy with best results in terms of well-being in the process of immigrants’ adjustment to a new context. Furthermore, it increases social cohesion, avoids the development of racist attitudes in the receiving population and promotes symmetrical intergroup relationships. However, immigrants are often...

1 de January de 2006