PROCOMDI: Community cultural competence, competent professionals in diverse community

Coordinator: Manuel García-Ramírez. Duration: 2012-2014. Abstract: The Spanish model of economic growth has required an important contribution by a low qualified immigrant work force that suffers multiple risks of social exclusion. The lack of accessibility, acceptance, and the quality of health care aggravates these risks. For some time, the scientific community has...

1 de January de 2014

Gendering Peace and Liberation: A Participatory-action Approach to Critical Consciousness Acquisition among Women in a Marginalized Neighborhood

Reference: Luque-Ribelles, V., Garcia-Ramirez, M. y Portillo, N. (2009). Gendering peace and liberation: A participatory-action approach to critical consciousness acquisition among women in a marginalized neighborhood. In The Psychology of Liberation: Theory and Application. Nueva York: Springer. Full text:

2 de June de 2009

COMMUNITY INTEGRATION OF MOROCCAN IMMIGRANTS in Andalusia. Predictive factors and action plan

Coordinator: Manuel García-Ramírez. Duration: 2006-2009. Abstract: Community integration is the acculturation strategy with best results in terms of well-being in the process of immigrants’ adjustment to a new context. Furthermore, it increases social cohesion, avoids the development of racist attitudes in the receiving population and promotes symmetrical intergroup relationships. However, immigrants are often...

1 de January de 2006