The Voice and Look of Young Refugees in Greece: Photovoice as a Community Action-Research Tool

Reference: Garrido, R., & Delgado, A. (2017). La Voz y la Mirada de Jóvenes Refugiados/as en Grecia: Photovoice como Herramienta de Investigación-Acción Comunitaria. Papeles de Trabajo sobre Cultura, Educación y Desarrollo Humano / Working Papers on Culture, Education and Human Development. Número monográfico “5th International Health Humanities Conference”. Abstract: In April 2016, a photovoice workshop was held...

10 de December de 2017

Implementing a Cultural Competence Training as a Psychopolitical Empowerment Process

Reference: Acosta, M. E., Albar, M. J., García-Ramírez, M., & Aguilera, A. (2017). Implementing a cultural competence training as a psychopolitical empowerment process. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 45, 70-80. doi: Abstract: The cultural competence training (CCT) of health care professionals represents a useful resource to face the...

28 de July de 2017

HUMANITARIAN CRISIS and improvement of psychological well-being among the refugee population settled in Andalusia

Coordinator: Virginia Paloma. Duration: 2016-2017. Abstract: This intervention project, coordinated by Virginia Paloma, aims to promote psychological well-being from a community approach based on strengths among refugees arrived in the city of Seville. To achieve this goal, five specific objectives are proposed: (1) culturally adjusting evidence-based best practices aimed at improving the psychological...

1 de January de 2016

EQUIHEALTH: Fostering health provision for migrants, the Roma and other vulnerable groups

Coordinator: Roumyana Petrova Benedict (IOM Regional Office Brussels). Duration: 2013-2015. Abstract: The objective of the EQUIHEALTH action is to improve the access and appropriateness of health care services, health promotion and prevention to meet the needs of migrants, the Roma and other vulnerable ethnic minority groups, including irregular migrants residing...

1 de January de 2013

Spanish Adaptation of the Scale of Psychological Empowerment in the Workplace

Reference: Albar, M. J., García-Ramírez, M., López, A. y Garrido, M. (2012). Spanish Adaptation of the Scale of Psychological Empowerment in the Workplace. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 15, 793-800. Abstract: The objective of this study is to adapt and translate into Spanish Spreitzer’s Psychological Empowerment Scale (1995a). A process of...

22 de December de 2012

A Liberation Psychology Approach to Acculturative Integration of Migrant Populations

Reference: Garcia-Ramirez, M., de la Mata, M., Paloma, V. y Hernandez-Plaza, S. (2011). A liberation psychology approach to acculturative integration of migrant populations. American Journal of Community Psychology, 47, 86–97. doi: Abstract: This paper describes an acculturative integration approach that stresses the contribution of liberation psychology. Immigrant integration is a challenge...

22 de December de 2011

Contributions of Liberation Psychology to the Integration of the Immigrant Population

Reference: Albar, M. J., Garcia-Ramirez, M., El Karkri, M., Luque-Ribelles, V. et al. (2010) .Contributions of Liberation Psychology to the Integration of the Immigrant Population. Psychosocial Intervention, 19, 223-234. Abstract: Mobility is a human dimension that has been a part of human behaviour since humanity began. However, the actual exodus of...

1 de March de 2010

New Settlement and Wellbeing in Oppressive Contexts: A Liberation Psychology Approach

Reference: Hernández-Plaza, S., García-Ramírez, M., Camacho, C., & Paloma, V. (2010). New settlement and wellbeing in oppressive contexts: A liberation psychology approach. In S.C. Carr (Ed.), The psychology of Global Mobility (pp. 235-256). New York: Springer. Full text:

18 de January de 2010

Acculturative Integration, Self and Citizenship Construction: The Experience of Amal-Andaluza, a Grassroots Organization of Moroccan Women in Andalusia

Reference: Paloma, V., Garcia-Ramirez, M., de la Mata, M., & Association AMAL-Andaluza. (2010). Acculturative integration, self and citizenship construction: The experience of Amal-Andaluza, a grassroots organization of Moroccan women in Andalusia. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 34, 101–113. doi: Abstract: This paper describes the role of grassroots associations in...

1 de January de 2010

Gendering Peace and Liberation: A Participatory-action Approach to Critical Consciousness Acquisition among Women in a Marginalized Neighborhood

Reference: Luque-Ribelles, V., Garcia-Ramirez, M. y Portillo, N. (2009). Gendering peace and liberation: A participatory-action approach to critical consciousness acquisition among women in a marginalized neighborhood. In The Psychology of Liberation: Theory and Application. Nueva York: Springer. Full text:

2 de June de 2009