Standards for Equity in Health Care for Migrants and other Vulnerable Groups. Self-Assessment Tool for Pilot Implementation

Reference: Chiarenza, A. (Coord). Standards for equity in health care for migrants and other vulnerable groups. Self-Assessment Tool for Pilot Implementation. Reggio Emilia, International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals. Abstract: The Task Force on Migrant-friendly and Culturally Competent Healthcare (TF MFCCH) has developed a set of standards aiming at monitoring...

28 de January de 2014

PROCOMDI: Community cultural competence, competent professionals in diverse community

Coordinator: Manuel García-Ramírez. Duration: 2012-2014. Abstract: The Spanish model of economic growth has required an important contribution by a low qualified immigrant work force that suffers multiple risks of social exclusion. The lack of accessibility, acceptance, and the quality of health care aggravates these risks. For some time, the scientific community has...

1 de January de 2014

EQUIHEALTH: Fostering health provision for migrants, the Roma and other vulnerable groups

Coordinator: Roumyana Petrova Benedict (IOM Regional Office Brussels). Duration: 2013-2015. Abstract: The objective of the EQUIHEALTH action is to improve the access and appropriateness of health care services, health promotion and prevention to meet the needs of migrants, the Roma and other vulnerable ethnic minority groups, including irregular migrants residing...

1 de January de 2013

C2ME: Culturally competent teachers in medical education

Funded by: EACEA Erasmus Lifelong Learning Program. Coordinator: Jeanine Suurmond (Academic Medical Centre/University of Amsterdam). Duration: 2013 – 2015. Abstract: C2ME aims to develop an overarching faculty programme for faculty staff as well as educational leaders.  C2ME will develop design principles to implement cultural competencies in the curriculum. This will...

A Case Study of Liberation among Latino Immigrant Families Who Have Children with Disabilities

Reference: Balcazar, F. E., Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Bibiana-Adames, S., Keys, C. B., Garcia-Ramirez, M. y Paloma, V. (2012). A case study of liberation among Latino immigrant families who have children with disabilities. American Journal of Community Psychology, 49, 283-293. doi: Abstract: Latino immigrant families with children with disabilities experience multiple sources of...

22 de December de 2012

TF MFCCH: Task force on migrant friendly and culturally competent healthcare

Funded by: WHO’s International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services (HPH). Coordinator: Antonio Chiarenza (Health Authority of Reggio Emilia). Duration: 2012 – 2016. Abstract: The Task Force on Migrant Friendly and Culturally Competent Health Care is established within the international HPH network with a specific mandate for coordination...

1 de January de 2012

A Liberation Psychology Approach to Acculturative Integration of Migrant Populations

Reference: Garcia-Ramirez, M., de la Mata, M., Paloma, V. y Hernandez-Plaza, S. (2011). A liberation psychology approach to acculturative integration of migrant populations. American Journal of Community Psychology, 47, 86–97. doi: Abstract: This paper describes an acculturative integration approach that stresses the contribution of liberation psychology. Immigrant integration is a challenge...

22 de December de 2011

El Papel de las Organizaciones en la Psicología de la Liberación: Aplicaciones al Estudio de las Migraciones.

Reference: Paloma, V. & Manzano-Arrondo, V. (2011). El papel de las organizaciones en la Psicología de la Liberación: Aplicaciones al estudio de las migraciones. Psychosocial Intervention, 20, 309-318. doi: Abstract: La incorporación de la población inmigrante a la sociedad receptora se realiza frecuentemente bajo relaciones de poder asimétricas respecto a...

ADAPT: Adapting european health systems to diversity

Funded by: COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology. Coordinators: David Ingleby (University of Amsterdam) and Bernadette Kumar (NAKMI). Duration: 2011 – 2015. Abstract: European societies are becoming ethnically and culturally more diverse, yet their health systems are failing to keep pace. This Action aims to promote the adoption and...

1 de January de 2011

Contributions of Liberation Psychology to the Integration of the Immigrant Population

Reference: Albar, M. J., Garcia-Ramirez, M., El Karkri, M., Luque-Ribelles, V. et al. (2010) .Contributions of Liberation Psychology to the Integration of the Immigrant Population. Psychosocial Intervention, 19, 223-234. Abstract: Mobility is a human dimension that has been a part of human behaviour since humanity began. However, the actual exodus of...

1 de March de 2010

New Settlement and Wellbeing in Oppressive Contexts: A Liberation Psychology Approach

Reference: Hernández-Plaza, S., García-Ramírez, M., Camacho, C., & Paloma, V. (2010). New settlement and wellbeing in oppressive contexts: A liberation psychology approach. In S.C. Carr (Ed.), The psychology of Global Mobility (pp. 235-256). New York: Springer. Full text:

18 de January de 2010

Acculturative Integration, Self and Citizenship Construction: The Experience of Amal-Andaluza, a Grassroots Organization of Moroccan Women in Andalusia

Reference: Paloma, V., Garcia-Ramirez, M., de la Mata, M., & Association AMAL-Andaluza. (2010). Acculturative integration, self and citizenship construction: The experience of Amal-Andaluza, a grassroots organization of Moroccan women in Andalusia. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 34, 101–113. doi: Abstract: This paper describes the role of grassroots associations in...

1 de January de 2010

Psychopolitical Validation of Health Promotion Research for Migrant Populations: Conceptualising Well-being among Andalusian Moroccan Immigrants

Reference: Paloma, V., Herrera, I., & García-Ramírez, M. (2009). The psychopolitical validation of health research for minorities: Conceptualizing well-being among Moroccan immigrants. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 5 (1), 25-33. doi: Abstract: This study will show how social investigation requires psychopolitical validity in order to guarantee the...

5 de July de 2009

User Involvement and Empowerment in Health Care Practices with Ethnic Minority and Migrant Groups: A Community Approach

Referencia: García-Ramirez, M. y Hatzidimitriadou, E. (2009). Editorial. User Involvement and Empowerment in Health Care Practices with Ethnic Minority and Migrant Groups: A Community Approach. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, Vol. 5, Iss: 1, pp. 2 – 4. Publicación completa:  

1 de June de 2009

HOME: Health and social care for migrants and ethnic minorities

Financiado por: COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology. Coordinador: David Ingleby (University of Amsterdam). Duración: 2007 – 2011. Resumen: El reciente aumento del número de migrantes en Europa ha generado un volumen creciente de investigaciones sobre su estado de salud y la necesidad de adaptar los servicios de atención...

1 de January de 2007

COMMUNITY INTEGRATION OF MOROCCAN IMMIGRANTS in Andalusia. Predictive factors and action plan

Coordinator: Manuel García-Ramírez. Duration: 2006-2009. Abstract: Community integration is the acculturation strategy with best results in terms of well-being in the process of immigrants’ adjustment to a new context. Furthermore, it increases social cohesion, avoids the development of racist attitudes in the receiving population and promotes symmetrical intergroup relationships. However, immigrants are often...

1 de January de 2006