CESPYD on the Radio of the University of Seville- RADIUS
On the occasion of International Migrants Day, the program i-Radiando Igualdad, broadcast on RADIUS, featured Virginia Paloma as a guest. During the program, Virginia shared the findings of the research project “The Migratory Experience of Women at the University of Seville”. This study was promoted by the University of Seville’s Equality Unit, in collaboration with CESPYD, and funded by the Andalusian Institute for Women.
In her remarks, Virginia Paloma emphasized that the University of Seville is often described as a welcoming space for personal growth. However, she also stressed the importance of fostering cultural competence among members of the university community and promoting the formation of support groups. These tools are essential to ensuring the well-being and full inclusion of migrant women in the academic environment, whether they are students, faculty, or administrative staff.
For those interested in exploring this analysis further, the full interview can be found between minutes 8 and 16 of the program. The content is accessible via the following link:https://bit.ly/radiUS.