Research Project
EQUIHEALTH: Fostering health provision for migrants, the Roma and other vulnerable groups
Coordinator: Roumyana Petrova Benedict (IOM Regional Office Brussels).
Duration: 2013-2015.
Abstract: The objective of the EQUIHEALTH action is to improve the access and appropriateness of health care services, health promotion and prevention to meet the needs of migrants, the Roma and other vulnerable ethnic minority groups, including irregular migrants residing in the EU/EEA.
EQUIHEALTH was launched in February 2013 by the Migration Health Division of the Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The project is co-financed under the 2012 work plan, within the second programme of Community action in the field of health (2008-2013), by direct grant awarded to IOM from the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANTE), through the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea).
The EQUIHEALTH action is divided in 3 sub-actions:
1) MIGRANT HEALTH at SOUTHERN EU BORDERS sub-action aim is building a comprehensive multi-sectorial approach in upholding migrant and public health: situational assessments, discussions about data collection mechanisms and referral systems as well as prioritization of capacity building needs are planned to increase the understanding of migrant, occupational and public health, including in open/closed centers and border facilities, and enhance the capacity of public health authorities, law enforcement services and healthcare providers.
TARGET COUNTRIES: Southern EU Member States.
COUNTRIES COVERED: Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain, and Portugal (in certain activities).
2) The ROMA HEALTH sub-action focuses on promoting dialogue among key stakeholders (governmental and non-governmental groups) on Roma health issues. 8 Progress reports on national strategies (with health focus), 4 case studies on good practices and exchange of experiences as per identified priorities in support of the implementation of national health plans will allow EU MS to better monitor, share and strengthen their respective national approaches. A training package for healthcare providers will develop competencies in working with ethnic minorities, including Roma.
TARGET COUNTRIES: EU countries with high percentage of Roma nationals and EU MS with high percentage of Roma migrants.
COUNTRIES COVERED: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy, Slovakia, Spain.
3) Under the MIGRANT HEALTH sub-action, available information on national legal and policy frameworks will be aggregated in the form of country briefs for policy makers linking to the MIPEX (Migrant Integration Policy) index by developing a health strand. Thematic study on cost analysis of healthcare provisions to migrants and ethnic minorities in support of consensus guidelines on access to healthcare services for those in undocumented situation will foster a harmonized EU approach to access to and provision of healthcare for migrants, Roma and other vulnerable ethnic minority groups.