A Romani perspective of the Future

On January 23 and 24, 2025, CESPYD’s Roma research line, in collaboration with the Public University of Navarra, the Federation of Roma Associations of Navarra Gaz Kaló, the Yiló Association, and La Fragua Projects, organized a Discussion Forum in Pamplona. This event brought together activists, academics, and representatives of Roma...

27 de January de 2025

CESPYD participates in the VII Action-Research Conference with Roma Communities

On December 12th 2024, CESPYD members Valeria Terán-Tinedo and Belén Soto-Ponce participated in the panel “Digital Inclusion and Socio-Labor Integration of the Roma Population” at the VII Action-Research Conference with Roma Communities, organized by the Observatory of Social Exclusion at the University of Murcia. Valeria Terán-Tinedo focused on the crucial...

17 de December de 2024

Virginia Paloma visits Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

In the context of the European project Joint eStories: Journeys from Fear to Fair (JeS), funded by the Erasmus+ Call of the European Union, Virginia Paloma has been invited by INCOMA to participate in a training in the multisensory method from November 25 to 29, 2024 at Laurea University of...

10 de December de 2024

NEXTROM launches its new website!

NEXTROM has launched its own website to provide the academic community and the general public with direct access to its progress, activities, and resources. The website, accessible at institucional.us.es/nextrom/, will become the main hub for sharing information on the project’s achievements and advancements, as well as reflecting NEXTROM’s commitment to...

18 de November de 2024

CESPYD in the Alliance for Migration Research

The Alliance for Migration Research is an international initiative led by the SAMU Foundation (Spain) and the SAMU Foundation (USA) through its SAMU Institute for Scientific Research. Its objective is to facilitate an international collaborative environment that fosters the development of studies on migration and its impacts. The Founding Meeting...

29 de October de 2024

We presented a Report on Mental Health in CIEs

In the context of the Seminar on Mental Health, Human Rights and Minority Groups, on June 7, 2024, the Jesuit Migrant Service (SJM) and CESPYD held a public presentation of the report “An Approach to the Mental Health of Migrants in Spain’s Immigrant Detention Centers”. More specifically, Armando Agüero-Collins of...

18 de June de 2024

Kick-off Meeting of the Project MadresUP

On Thursday, June 6, 2024, in classroom 5 of the Faculty of Psychology, the kick-off meeting of the project “Empowering the Resilient Motherhood of Migrant, Refugee, and Roma Women for their Psychosocial Well-being (MadresUP)” was held. The members of the MadresUP team, together with community allies, met to share the...

Seminar on Mental Health, Human Rights, and Minoritized Groups

On Friday, June 7, the seminar “Mental Health, Human Rights, and Minoritized Groups” was held successfully in the Salón de Actos at the Faculty of Psychology. This event was organized by the Center for Community Research and Action at the University of Seville as part of its projects MadresUP, AndaRomi...

27 de May de 2024

La Casa de los Sueños closes its doors

La Casa de los Sueños said goodbye last Thursday, 20th April, at the Factoría Cultural-ICAS in Polígono Sur with a meeting between YILÓ-CESPYD and guests such as Mar González, former commissioner of Polígono Sur and professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Seville; Yolanda Rueda, Magistrate of...

21 de April de 2023

The media echo La Casa de los Sueños: the report from El País

  Raúl Limón, a journalist from the Science section of El País, also visited La Casa de Los Sueños to report on the work carried out in the [J]ITANA and Power2Romi projects, coordinated by CESPYD and Yiló’s career. To do so, she relied on the voices of the women and...

11 de April de 2023

RTVE covers the inauguration of La Casa de los Sueños

  La Casa de Los Sueños, organised by Yiló-CESPYD, has obtained a wide repercussion at the local and national levels. RTVE covered the opening of the exhibition La Casa de los Sueños on the Radio 5 programme “En Primera Persona”, hosted by Sandra Camps. In this programme, the challenges faced...

9 de April de 2023

CESPYD hosts the Preparatory Meeting for the III Ibero-American Permanent Forum “Afro-descendant Women and Human Rights Defenders”

CESPYD, in collaboration with the Haurralde Foundation and the Asociación Afro y Defensoras de Derechos Humanos (Colombia), has held the first preparatory meeting of the “III Ibero-American Permanent Forum of Afro-descendant Women and Human Rights Defenders”.   This preparatory meeting took place in the Faculty of Psychology of the University...

6 de February de 2023

Celebramos el Día del Refugiado en la Facultad de Psicología de la US

Desde CESPYD nos complace invitaros a la Jornada que hemos organizado junto con INCOMA y la Plataforma Somos Migrantes de Sevilla para conmemorar la celebración del Día del Refugiad@, en el marco del proyecto europeo Erasmus+ RE.INCLUSION. Tendrá lugar el próximo martes 18 de Junio por la mañana en el Aula de Grados de la Facultad de...

10 de June de 2019

Virginia Paloma Visits Stockholm University

Our colleague Virginia Paloma visited Stockholm University (Sweden) last week thanks to the invitation of  Prof. Sirkku Männikkö Barbutiu, from the Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences at this University. During her visit, Virginia presented her current research in the seminar organized by the above department with the work “Constructing Useful...

18 de June de 2018

Acto Graduación Posgrados Oficiales Psicología 2018

El pasado viernes 15 de junio se celebró en el salón de actos de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Sevilla el acto de graduación de los posgrados oficiales de esta disciplina: Máster en Psicología de la Educación, Avances en Intervención y Necesidades Educativas Especiales; Máster en Psicología...

26th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services

During 6-8 June, the 26th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services took place in Bologna, Italy, with the theme “Health Promotion Strategies to Achieve Reorientation of Health Services: Evidence-based Policies and Practices.” Manuel García Ramírez presented two papers: Struggling for equity in sexual and reproductive healthcare for...

When the World Moves: Migration in the Light of Science

Last May 8th, our colleague Virginia Paloma was invited to participate in a debate session promoted by the journal IDescubre from Descubre Foundation in Andalusia. The objective was to debate about how scientific knowledge can contribute to overcome prejudice and to promote equity and coexistence. Virginia Paloma shared dialogue together with...

27 de May de 2018

1st World Congress on Migration, Ethnicity, Health and Race

On May 17, 18 and 19 took place in Edinburgh, Scotland, the 1st World Congress on Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health.  CESPYD was present at the event with two contributions: the poster “A multi-level advocacy framework for Roma health: a scoping review” by Daniela Miranda, Irene Oreja, Claudia de Freitas...

22 de May de 2018

CESPYD Declares its Institutional Support towards PROEMAID and its Volunteers

Desde CESPYD reconocemos y apoyamos públicamente la labor de PROEMAID, especialmente la realizada por los voluntarios Manuel Blanco, José Enrique Rodríguez y Julio Latorre, a quienes se les acusa  injustamente de tráfico de personas. El próximo 7 de mayo se enfrentan en Grecia a una pena de cárcel de 10...

12 de April de 2018

Rocío Garrido, a New PhD in CESPYD

On November 10th 2017, our colleague Rocío Garrido obtained her PhD with her work entitled  “Competences for Equity in Culturally Diverse Communities: Conceptualizing and Measuring Community Cultural Competence”. Her work was codirected by Prof. Manuel García-Ramírez (Universidad de Sevilla) and Prof. Fabricio Balcázar (University of Illinois at Chicago). She graduated...

10 de November de 2017

University of Sevilla Commits to Becoming a Space for Roma Health Advocacy

University of Sevilla’s Vicerrector of Social and Community Service, Ana López Jiménez, committed to signing an agreement to amplify Fakali’s presence within the University, not only as an organization that provides annual extended studies courses and practicum opportunities for students, but as an organization with capacity to influence within the...

16 de August de 2017

First Meeting between OSF-RIO, CESPYD and FAKALI

In February 2017, Open Society Foundation-Roma Integration Office’s planned a field visit to meet with CESPYD and FAKALI in Sevilla. RIO program officers had the chance to become more familiar with both organization’s work. RIO program officers visited both Polígono Sur Primary Healthcare Center and the Torreblanca Healthcare Center. We...

20 de February de 2017

IV European Meeting “Mediation in Romany Health”

On the 6th, 7th and 8th of June, the University Residence Flora Tristan of the Pablo de Olavide University hosted the IV European Meeting of “Mediation in Romany Health”, organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and CESPYD, in collaboration with the University Pablo de Olavide and the Office...

12 de June de 2016

Jornada de Convivencia Intercultural

CESPYD asistió a la Jornada de Convivencia Intercultural de los pueblos que vivimos en Sevilla organizada por la Plataforma Somos Migrantes el sábado 12 de marzo en la Parroquia Blanca Paloma, en la barriada Los Pajaritos.  

10 de March de 2016

Crisis Humanitaria en el Mediterráneo: Intervención con Población Refugiada

Ayer, 16 de febrero, CESPYD asistió al acto organizado por Médicos del Mundo Andalucía, titulado “Crisis humanitaria en el Mediterráneo: Intervención con población refugiada”. Intervinieron Teresa González Galiana, médico y experta en acción humanitaria; Manuel Blanco Fernández, Sargento de bomberos y voluntario de PROEM-AID en Lesbos; y Pablo Simón Lorda, médico y...

17 de February de 2016

Concentración Solidaria con la Población Refugiada

La Plataforma Somos Migrantes, de la cual es miembro CESPYD, convoca junto con otros actores una concentración solidaria con la población refugiada. Ésta tendrá lugar el día 12 de septiembre a las 12:00h en la Puerta Jerez (Sevilla). ¡Os esperamos allí!  

10 de September de 2015