CESPYD student awarded by the scientific committee at the 1st International Congress on African and Decolonial Studies

Blanca Vera, a PhD student in Social Psychology, was awarded under the category ” Proyecto Entre Márgenes e Intersecciones ” as the best communication of the congress presented and defended by Andalusian students. Proyecto Entre Márgenes e Intersecciones focuses on incorporating the African perspective in university studies, promoting in-depth research...

5 de December de 2023

CESPYD hosts and participates in the organisation of the 1st International Congress on African and Decolonial Studies: contributions to the deconstruction of academic thought

On 29, 30 November and 1 December 2023, the 1st International Conference on African and Decolonial Studies: contributions to the deconstruction of academic thought was held at the Faculty of Psychology, where members of the CESPYD team participated as the organising committee and made scientific contributions.   To overcome the...

4 de December de 2023

CESPYD members participate in the YOU.TH Project: “Tools for Inclusive”.

Rocío Garrido and Blanca Vera, members of CESPYD, participants in the YOU.TH Project: “Tools for Inclusive” within the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) funded by the European Union. This project aims to promote the use of digital and creative tools (mainly theatre) for promoting social justice and developing advocacy with...

22 de November de 2023

A CESPYD Job at Communitypsychology.com

The article “Community participation and subjective wellbeing among the immigrant population in northern Italy: An analysis of mediators”, published in the American Journal of Community Psychology by Martínez-Damia, S., Paloma, V., Luesia, J.F., Marta , E. , and Marzana, D. (https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12652), has been adapted to an informative format and published...

7 de November de 2023

Uncovering the relationship between community participation and socio-political control among the migrant population

Reference: Martínez-Damia, S., Paloma, V., Luesia, J.F., Marta, E., & Marzana, D. (2023). Uncovering the relationship between community participation and socio-political control among the migrant population. Journal of Community Psychology. http://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.23085 Abstract: Prior research on psychological empowerment has found that community participation is associated with socio-political control, which takes place...

23 de August de 2023

Community participation among immigrants: A generative journey towards personal growth

Reference: Martínez-Damia, S., Marzana, D.; Paloma, V., & Marta, E. (2023). Community participation among immigrants: A generative journey towards personal growth. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2023.101853 Abstract: Immigrants usually live under oppressive settings and experience social suffering because of the unjust socio-cultural conditions of host societies. Community participation can...

5 de July de 2023

Different Media Echo the CIE 2022 Report of the Jesuit Service to Migrants.

The Jesuit Service to Migrants (SJM) has presented its 2022 Annual Report on Foreigners’ Detention Centres (CIE) in Spain, entitled ‘Inequalities that generate inequality’. In this Report, CESPYD has collaborated in anticipation of the main results of a study on the mental health of inmates, carried out in collaboration with...

13 de June de 2023

The Mediating Role of Migrant Community-Based Organizations: Challenges and Coping Strategies

Reference: Martínez-Damia, S., Marzana, D.; Paloma, V., & Marta, E. (2023). The mediating role of migrant community-based organizations: Challenges and coping strategies. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11266-023-00572-0 Abstract: Migrant community-based organizations (MCBOs) are key mediating structures between immigrants and host societies. However, when implementing this role...

8 de May de 2023

Activism among female migrant domestic workers: a qualitative study in southern Spain

Reference: Aceros, J.C., Duque, T. & Paloma, V. (2023). El activismo en las migrantes trabajadoras del hogar: Estudio cualitativo en el sur de España. Estudios Fronterizos, 24, e116. https://doi.org/10.21670/ref.2305116 Abstract: Domestic work is an oppressive occupational niche for migrant women. The strategies domestic workers employ to resist this situation have...

5 de May de 2023

La Casa de los Sueños closes its doors

La Casa de los Sueños said goodbye last Thursday, 20th April, at the Factoría Cultural-ICAS in Polígono Sur with a meeting between YILÓ-CESPYD and guests such as Mar González, former commissioner of Polígono Sur and professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Seville; Yolanda Rueda, Magistrate of...

21 de April de 2023

An Article by Virginia Paloma Recognized as a Top Downloaded Paper by Wiley

The article “The Roles of Settings in Supporting Immigrants’ Resistance to Injustice and Oppression: A policy Statement by the Society for Community Research and Action, Division 27 of the American Psychological Association”, published in the American Journal of Community Psychology, has been recognised by Wiley as one of the most...

31 de March de 2023

Virginia Paloma speaks at the European Economic and Social Committee

On 16 March, the final conference of the European ATHENA project “Entrepreneurship as a Path to Socio-Economic Inclusion of Migrant Women” took place at the European Economic and Social Committee. The objective of the event was to present and discuss with the key stakeholders and European politicians the results of...

17 de March de 2023

Virginia Paloma speaks at a conference organised by Acción Verapaz

On 8 February, Virginia Paloma, coordinator of CESPYD, took part as a speaker at the 15th Conference on “Citizenship and Migratory Movements: Proposals for Coexistence and Integration”, organised by the Acción Verapaz association and the parish of San Jacinto (Seville).

9 de February de 2023

CESPYD hosts the Preparatory Meeting for the III Ibero-American Permanent Forum “Afro-descendant Women and Human Rights Defenders”

CESPYD, in collaboration with the Haurralde Foundation and the Asociación Afro y Defensoras de Derechos Humanos (Colombia), has held the first preparatory meeting of the “III Ibero-American Permanent Forum of Afro-descendant Women and Human Rights Defenders”.   This preparatory meeting took place in the Faculty of Psychology of the University...

6 de February de 2023

ANDAROMI: Empowering andalusian Romani mother-daughter womanhood mattering through reproductive justice

Coordinators: Daniela-Eugenia Miranda and Manuel García-Ramírez. Duration: Ongoing project. Abstract: The post-pandemic Spain must ensure that the next generations of Romani women definitively overcome the inequalities they have suffered for centuries and harness new emerging opportunities. It is widely recognized that Romani women and girls are in risk of facing even a...

20 de December de 2022

NEXTROM: Digitising the new Roma generations

Coordinators: Manuel García-Ramírez and Virginia Paloma. Duration: Ongoing project. Abstract: Post-COVID Europe must ensure that the next generations of Roma people overcome the inequalities they have suffered for centuries. The pandemic has catalysed these inequalities and risks further exacerbating their difficulties in accessing decent housing, access to employment and fair working conditions,...

POWER2ROMI: Empowering andalusian Roma women and girls’ mattering through reproductive justice

Coordinators: Manuel García-Ramírez and Virginia Paloma. Duration: Ongoing project. Abstract: Early marriage and motherhood among Roma women (REMM) in Andalusia impoverish their lives, puts them at risk for physical and mental health, makes them vulnerable to domestic violence, precipitates school dropouts and condemns them to precarious jobs. Although it is usually attributed to...

1 de July de 2022

Promoting Justice through Community‐based Research: International Case Studies

Reference: Suarez‐Balcazar, Y., Balcazar, F., Miranda, D. E., Velazquez, T., Arcidiacono, C., & Garcia‐Ramirez, M. (2022). Promoting justice through community‐based research: International case studies. American Journal of Community Psychology, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12584. Abstract: Community‐based participatory research (CBPR) approaches to promoting justice focus on working from the ground up and giving a...

11 de March de 2022

Psychosocial Benefits and Costs of Activism among Female Migrant Domestic Workers in Southern Spain

Reference: Aceros, J. C., Duque, T. & Paloma, V. (2021). Psychosocial benefits and costs of activism among female migrant domestic workers in Southern Spain. Journal of Community Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22610 Abstract: Economic migrant women often experience oppressive living and working conditions in the receiving societies. Activism is a liberatory behavior these...

9 de June de 2021

Archetypes, Me Too, Time’s Up and the representation of diverse women on TV

Reference: Garrido, R. & Zaptsi, A. (2021). Archetypes, Me Too, Time’s Up and the representation of diverse women on TV. [Arquetipos, Me Too, Time’s Up y la representación de mujeres diversas en TV]. Comunicar, 68. https://doi.org/10.3916/C68-2021-02. Abstract: The feminist movements Me Too and Time’s Up have showcased the power of...

19 de April de 2021

Citizen’s Concentration: Human rights have no borders

A la opinión pública: El final del verano y el comienzo del otoño, que en muchos espacios se considera comienzo de nuevos proyectos y procesos, se presenta nefasto en general y especialmente denigrante para el colectivo de personas migrantes en España y Europa. Y aunque podemos seguir pensando que es...

13 de October de 2020

Building Meaningful Community Advocacy for Ethnic‐based Health Equity: The RoAd4Health Experience

Reference: Miranda, D., García-Ramírez, & M., Albar-Marín, M. J. (2020). Building Meaningful Community Advocacy for Ethnic‐based Health Equity: The RoAd4Health Experience. American Journal of Community Psychology. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12443 Abstract: The pervasive failure of policies aimed at overcoming health inequities suffered by European Roma reflects the oppressive and impoverished living conditions of many...

13 de September de 2020

COVID-19 Effects on Roma Health Rights and Social Determinants in Seville

Seville, 16 May 2020. Following the meeting with the Mayor of Seville, Juan Espadas, on Wednesday 6th May, Roma women, CESPYD, Studio 41013 and other collaborators developed a policy brief with a set of recommendations that have been proposed to the City Council. Roma populations of Seville suffer a constant violation of their human...

16 de May de 2020

Advocating for Roma Rights in the Face of the Coronavirus Crisis

Seville, 8 May 2020. CESPYD, together with a group of Roma women, leaders of community organizations, researchers and journalists are concerned about the consequences that the crisis of the coronavirus is having on the neighbors who live in the most unjust conditions during the confinement period in Seville (Spain). In...

8 de May de 2020

APART TOGETHER: Studying the impact of COVID-19 on migrants and refugees

Coordinators: Virginia Paloma and Rocío Garrido. Duration: 2020-2021. Abstract: The current COVID-19 pandemic has a big impact on the whole world. This study aims to better understand the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken to prevent it on migrants and refugees around Europe. Up till now there is...

24 de April de 2020

Campaña #RegularizaciónYa de Todas las Personas Migrantes y Refugiadas

Puedes firmar aquí. CESPYD ha apoyado esta acción. A la atención del Presidente Pedro Sánchez, Vicepresidente Pablo Iglesias, Ministra de Igualdad Irene Montero, Ministra de Trabajo y Economía Social Yolanda Díaz, Ministra de Inclusión Social, Seguridad Social y Migraciones José Luis Escrivá, Ministro del Interior Fernando Grande Marlaska y Defensor del...

16 de April de 2020

Celebramos el Día del Refugiado en la Facultad de Psicología de la US

Desde CESPYD nos complace invitaros a la Jornada que hemos organizado junto con INCOMA y la Plataforma Somos Migrantes de Sevilla para conmemorar la celebración del Día del Refugiad@, en el marco del proyecto europeo Erasmus+ RE.INCLUSION. Tendrá lugar el próximo martes 18 de Junio por la mañana en el Aula de Grados de la Facultad de...

10 de June de 2019

CESPYD Declares its Institutional Support towards PROEMAID and its Volunteers

Desde CESPYD reconocemos y apoyamos públicamente la labor de PROEMAID, especialmente la realizada por los voluntarios Manuel Blanco, José Enrique Rodríguez y Julio Latorre, a quienes se les acusa  injustamente de tráfico de personas. El próximo 7 de mayo se enfrentan en Grecia a una pena de cárcel de 10...

12 de April de 2018

Using Photovoice as a Community-Building Tool

The contribution of our colleagues Guariso, Paloma, Arias, Garrido y García-Ramírez titled “Photovoice as a Research-Intervention Tool for Youth Neighborhood Activism in Societally Vulnerable Contexts” published in the Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, has been highlighted in the SCRA’s website Community Psychology. More information in: https://www.communitypsychology.com/using-photovoice-as-a-community-building-tool/

7 de March de 2018

Effects of the Community Engagement of Migrants on their Well-being: The Case of Moroccan Leaders in Southern Spain

Reference: Taurini, E., Paloma, V., García-Ramírez, M., Marzana, D., & Marta, E. (2017). Effects of the community engagement of migrants on their well-being: The case of Moroccan leaders in southern Spain. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 45 (1), 32-43. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/10852352.2016.1197737 Abstract: Community engagement of migrants has been identified...

27 de December de 2017

Day “Care for Migrants”

Activity carried out in the Faculty of Psychology of the US, proclaimed Faculty Refuge. Photographs by Rocío Valerous.

8 de October de 2017

Photovoice as a Research-Intervention Tool for Youth Neighborhood Activism in Societally Vulnerable Contexts

Reference: Guariso, G. Paloma, V., Arias, S., Garrido, R., García-Ramírez, M. (2016). Photovoice as a Research-Intervention Tool for Youth Neighborhood Activism in Societally Vulnerable Contexts. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 7 (3), 1-18. Abstract: Teenagers who live in vulnerable neighborhoods have a higher probability of entering into a vicious circle where...

27 de December de 2016

Jornada de Convivencia Intercultural

CESPYD asistió a la Jornada de Convivencia Intercultural de los pueblos que vivimos en Sevilla organizada por la Plataforma Somos Migrantes el sábado 12 de marzo en la Parroquia Blanca Paloma, en la barriada Los Pajaritos.  

10 de March de 2016

Concentración Solidaria con la Población Refugiada

La Plataforma Somos Migrantes, de la cual es miembro CESPYD, convoca junto con otros actores una concentración solidaria con la población refugiada. Ésta tendrá lugar el día 12 de septiembre a las 12:00h en la Puerta Jerez (Sevilla). ¡Os esperamos allí!  

10 de September de 2015

Barriers and Proposals for a Radical Psychological Practice

Reference: Manzano-Arrondo, V. (2015). Barreras y propuestas para una práctica psicológica radical. Teoría y Crítica de la Psicología 5, 40–56. Abstract: Psychological science has been built from positivist bases. One effect has been the wide gap between the development of psychology and the structural problems of society. Thus, the academy has worked following...

21 de February de 2015