Hacia la Equidad en Salud en Andalucía: Diagnóstico de la Incorporación de una Perspectiva Sensible a la Diversidad Cultural y al Género en las Políticas y Servicios Sanitarios

Reference: Garrido, R. (2019). Hacia la Equidad en Salud en Andalucía: Diagnóstico de la incorporación de una perspectiva sensible a la diversidad cultural y al género en las políticas y servicios sanitarios. Sevilla: MAD África. Abstract: Este estudio se enmarca en el proyecto Nder: Alzando la voz desde los feminismos...

29 de January de 2021

ApartTogether Survey: Preliminary Overview of Refugees and Migrants Self-reported Impact of COVID-19

Reference: World Health Organization. (2020). ApartTogether survey: Preliminary overview of refugees and migrants self-reported impact of COVID-19. Geneva: World Health Organization. Licence: CC BY‐NC‐SA 3.0 IGO. Abstract: ApartTogether is a collaboration between World Health Organization​ and a consortium of research centres led by Prof. Ilse Derluyn and Dr. An Verelst...

20 de December de 2020

IMMIGRANT WELFARE AND SOCIAL JUSTICE IN ANDALUSIA: Generating a multilevel dynamic system

Coordinator: Virginia Paloma. Duration: 2014-2016. Abstract: This project aims to develop a systemic, dynamic, and multi-level model that allows explaining and modifying the well-being expressed by the immigrant population residing in Andalusia. For this purpose, it is proposed to use the system dynamics methodology, a mathematical tool that anticipates, through...

14 de December de 2020


Coordinator: Fátima León Larios. Duration: May 2017. Abstract: In accordance with Article 36 of the Constitution of the Saharawi Democratic Arab Republic, Saharawi citizens have the right to health protection and health care; the current situation in refugee camps is conditioned by health resources based on cooperation and organized among the...


Coordinator: Virginia Paloma. Abstract: The project has aimed to strengthen resilience processes among the refugee population based in Seville. Together with the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid, this proposal has generated the following products: Printed products: This project has developed a “Community Resource Guide and Map for Refugees in the City...

20 de November de 2020

Barriers to and Facilitators of Community Participation among Latinx Migrants with Disabilities in the United States and Latinx Migrant Workers in Canada: An Ecological Analysis

Reference: Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Viquez, F., Miranda, D., & Early, A.R. (2020). Barriers to and facilitators of community participation among Latinx migrants with disabilities in the United States and Latinx migrant workers in Canada: An ecological analysis. Journal of Community Psychology, 48 (8), 2773-2788. doi: 10.1002/jcop.22452 Abstract: Abstract Individuals migrate to improve their...

29 de October de 2020

Citizen’s Concentration: Human rights have no borders

A la opinión pública: El final del verano y el comienzo del otoño, que en muchos espacios se considera comienzo de nuevos proyectos y procesos, se presenta nefasto en general y especialmente denigrante para el colectivo de personas migrantes en España y Europa. Y aunque podemos seguir pensando que es...

13 de October de 2020

Constructions of Burnout, Identity and Self-care in Professionals Working toward the Psychosocial Care of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Italy

Reference: Marco Gemignani & Massimo Giliberto (2021) Constructions of burnout, identity, and self-care in professionals working toward the psychosocial care of refugees and asylum seekers in Italy, Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 34:1, 56-78. doi: 10.1080/10720537.2019.1700853 Abstract: Professionals who provide psychosocial services to refugees and asylum seekers in Italy are a population at high-risk of job stress...

1 de October de 2020

Determinants of Life Satisfaction of Economic Migrants Coming from Developing Countries to Countries with Very High Human Development: a Systematic Review

Reference: Paloma, V., Escobar-Ballesta, M., Galván-Vega, B., Díaz-Bautista, J. D., & Benítez, I. (2020). Determinants of life satisfaction of economic migrants coming from developing countries to countries with very high human development: A systematic review. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 16, 435-455. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-020-09832-3 Abstract: Expectations held by economic...

11 de May de 2020

APART TOGETHER: Studying the impact of COVID-19 on migrants and refugees

Coordinators: Virginia Paloma and Rocío Garrido. Duration: 2020-2021. Abstract: The current COVID-19 pandemic has a big impact on the whole world. This study aims to better understand the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken to prevent it on migrants and refugees around Europe. Up till now there is...

24 de April de 2020

Campaña #RegularizaciónYa de Todas las Personas Migrantes y Refugiadas

Puedes firmar aquí. CESPYD ha apoyado esta acción. A la atención del Presidente Pedro Sánchez, Vicepresidente Pablo Iglesias, Ministra de Igualdad Irene Montero, Ministra de Trabajo y Economía Social Yolanda Díaz, Ministra de Inclusión Social, Seguridad Social y Migraciones José Luis Escrivá, Ministro del Interior Fernando Grande Marlaska y Defensor del...

16 de April de 2020

A Peer Support and Peer Mentoring Approach to Enhancing Resilience and Empowerment among Refugees settled in Southern Spain

Reference: Paloma, V., de la Morena, I., Sladkova, J., & López‐Torres, C. (2020). A peer support and peer mentoring approach to enhancing resilience and empowerment among refugees settled in southern Spain. Journal of Community Psychology, 48 (5), 1438-1451. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22338 Abstract: This study aims to analyze the processes of resilience and empowerment...

2 de April de 2020

La Participación Socio-política de las Mujeres Negras Africanas en Sevilla (España)

Reference: Garrido, R., & Cubero, A. (2019). La participación socio-política de las mujeres negras africanas en Sevilla (España). ODISEA. Revista de Estudios Migratorios, 6, 1-30. Abstract: La progresiva feminización de las migraciones no se ha traducido en el aumento de la participación de las mujeres migrantes en las sociedades receptoras. Probablemente,...

3 de October de 2019

Characterization of Migrations in Andalusia

Reference: Garrido, R. (2019). Caracterización de las Migraciones en Andalucía. Redes Interculturales. Abstract: En este informe se presentan los resultados derivados de la sesión de trabajo que tuvo lugar dentro de la III Plenaria de Organizaciones de Redes Interculturales, celebradas los días 10 y 11 de noviembre de 2017 en...

1 de October de 2019

Convivencia, Participación y Diversidad en Sevilla

Reference: Garrido, R. (2019). Living together, Participation and Diversity in Seville. Claver y Ayuntamiento de Sevilla. Abstract: Este informe recoge los resultados del proyecto “Construyendo redes de convivencia y participación ciudadana y vecinal”, financiado por el Ayuntamiento de Sevilla y desarrollado por la asociación Claver. Concretamente, se presenta un diagnóstico...

30 de September de 2019

Contextual Factors and Prejudice at the Beginning of the Migrant Influx: The Moroccan Case in Seville, Spain

Reference: Iglesias‐Pascual, R., Paloma, V., & García‐Ramírez, M. (2018). Contextual factors and prejudice at the beginning of the migrant influx: The Moroccan case in Seville, Spain. Population, Space and Place, 25 (3), e2204. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2204. Abstract: Studies addressing contextual factors associated with anti‐immigrant prejudice have focused on out‐group size and rapid demographic changes...

23 de January de 2019

Effects of the Economic Crisis and Austerity Policies on Health and Health Care Access of Migrant Population in Southern European Countries: Scoping Review

Reference: Jordão, N. M., Freitas, C. D., & García Ramírez, M. (2018). Effects of the economic crisis and austerity policies on health and health care access of migrant population in southern European countries: scoping review. REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, 26(54), 213-230. Abstract: The aim of this article is to gather...

13 de December de 2018

Sociopolitical Control for Immigrants: The Role of Receiving Local Contexts

Referencia: Paloma, V., Lenzi, M., Furlanis, N., Vieno, A., & García-Ramírez, M. (2018). Sociopolitical Control for Immigrants: The Role of Receiving Local Contexts. American Journal of Community Psychology, 62 (1-2), 41-50. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12263 Resumen: This study examines the individual and contextual factors associated with sociopolitical control expressed by immigrants in southern...

18 de July de 2018

Virginia Paloma Visits Stockholm University

Our colleague Virginia Paloma visited Stockholm University (Sweden) last week thanks to the invitation of  Prof. Sirkku Männikkö Barbutiu, from the Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences at this University. During her visit, Virginia presented her current research in the seminar organized by the above department with the work “Constructing Useful...

18 de June de 2018

When the World Moves: Migration in the Light of Science

Last May 8th, our colleague Virginia Paloma was invited to participate in a debate session promoted by the journal IDescubre from Descubre Foundation in Andalusia. The objective was to debate about how scientific knowledge can contribute to overcome prejudice and to promote equity and coexistence. Virginia Paloma shared dialogue together with...

27 de May de 2018

1st World Congress on Migration, Ethnicity, Health and Race

On May 17, 18 and 19 took place in Edinburgh, Scotland, the 1st World Congress on Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health.  CESPYD was present at the event with two contributions: the poster “A multi-level advocacy framework for Roma health: a scoping review” by Daniela Miranda, Irene Oreja, Claudia de Freitas...

22 de May de 2018

CESPYD Declares its Institutional Support towards PROEMAID and its Volunteers

Desde CESPYD reconocemos y apoyamos públicamente la labor de PROEMAID, especialmente la realizada por los voluntarios Manuel Blanco, José Enrique Rodríguez y Julio Latorre, a quienes se les acusa  injustamente de tráfico de personas. El próximo 7 de mayo se enfrentan en Grecia a una pena de cárcel de 10...

12 de April de 2018

Health Literacy Interventions for Immigrant Populations: A Systematic Review

Reference: Fernández-Gutiérrez, M., Bas-Sarmiento, P., Albar, M. J., Paloma-Castro, O., & Romero-Sánchez, J. M. (2017). Health literacy interventions for immigrant populations: a systematic review. International Nursing Review. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/inr.12373 Abstract: Background: Health literacy is considered a social health determinant that influences improvement in health, patient empowerment and reduction in inequalities. There is...

19 de February de 2018

Experiences of Oppression, Liberation, and Well-being among Moroccans in Andalusia

Reference: Luque-Ribelles, V., Herrera, I., & García-Ramírez, M. (2017). Experiences of oppression, liberation, and well-being among Moroccans in Andalusia. Journal of Community Psychology, 45, 831–845. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.21895 Abstract: This qualitative study explores the settlement experiences of  Moroccan migrants living in Andalusia (southern Spain). Taking a liberation psychology approach, we focus on the roles that power relations, oppression, well-being, and liberation play in the newcomers’...

28 de December de 2017

Experimentos Virtuales de Intervenciones Sociales para la Mejora del Bienestar Inmigrante en Andalucía

Reference: Paloma, V. (Coord.) (2017). Experimentos virtuales de intervenciones sociales para la mejora del bienestar inmigrante en Andalucía. Sevilla: Centro de Estudios Andaluces. Abstract: El presente informe recoge los resultados del proyecto de investigación financiado por el Centro de Estudios Andaluces en la convocatoria 2014 denominado ‘Bienestar Inmigrante y Justicia...

27 de December de 2017

Effects of the Community Engagement of Migrants on their Well-being: The Case of Moroccan Leaders in Southern Spain

Reference: Taurini, E., Paloma, V., García-Ramírez, M., Marzana, D., & Marta, E. (2017). Effects of the community engagement of migrants on their well-being: The case of Moroccan leaders in southern Spain. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 45 (1), 32-43. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/10852352.2016.1197737 Abstract: Community engagement of migrants has been identified...

Rocío Garrido, a New PhD in CESPYD

On November 10th 2017, our colleague Rocío Garrido obtained her PhD with her work entitled  “Competences for Equity in Culturally Diverse Communities: Conceptualizing and Measuring Community Cultural Competence”. Her work was codirected by Prof. Manuel García-Ramírez (Universidad de Sevilla) and Prof. Fabricio Balcázar (University of Illinois at Chicago). She graduated...

10 de November de 2017

Day “Care for Migrants”

Activity carried out in the Faculty of Psychology of the US, proclaimed Faculty Refuge. Photographs by Rocío Valerous.

8 de October de 2017

Informe CIE 2016 “25,66 Media Diaria de Repatriaciones Forzadas”

La Asociación Claver-Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes presentará su informe anual CIE 2016, titulado: “25,66 Media Diaria de Repatriaciones Forzadas” este martes 13 de junio a las 20:00 horas en la sede de Sevilla localizada en el Centro Arrupe (Avda. Eduardo Dato 20).  Este informe aborda la situación en la que se encuentran las personas inmigrantes...

12 de June de 2017

Sinhogarismo Inmigrante. Un caso de Investigación-acción Universitaria en el Contexto de la Recogida de Aceituna en Úbeda

Reference: Manzano-Arrondo, V., Pedrosa, B. & Soto, J. L. (2017). Sinhogarismo inmigrante. Un caso de investigación-acción universitaria en el contexto de la recogida de aceituna en Úbeda. Hábitat y Sociedad, 10, 223-244. Abstract: Cuando la inmigración deriva en sinhogarismo se crea un fenómeno de profunda exclusión social que afecta a escala individual,...

27 de April de 2017

Publicación del Informe “Experimentos Virtuales de Intervenciones Sociales para la Mejora del Bienestar Inmigrante en Andalucía”

Este informe recoge los resultados del proyecto de investigación financiado por el Centro de Estudios Andaluces en la convocatoria 2014 denominado ‘Bienestar Inmigrante y Justicia Social en Andalucía: Generación de un Sistema Dinámico Multinivel’. Dirigido por la profesora del Departamento de Psicología Social de la Universidad de Sevilla, Virginia Paloma,...

18 de April de 2017

Photovoice as a Research-Intervention Tool for Youth Neighborhood Activism in Societally Vulnerable Contexts

Reference: Guariso, G. Paloma, V., Arias, S., Garrido, R., García-Ramírez, M. (2016). Photovoice as a Research-Intervention Tool for Youth Neighborhood Activism in Societally Vulnerable Contexts. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 7 (3), 1-18. Abstract: Teenagers who live in vulnerable neighborhoods have a higher probability of entering into a vicious circle where...

27 de December de 2016

TF MED: Task force migration, equity and diversity

Coordinator: Antonio Chiarenza (Health Authority of Reggio Emilia). Duration: 2016 – 2020. Abstract: The TF Migration, Equity & Diversity is established within the international HPH network with a specific mandate for coordination assigned to the HPH regional network of Emilia-Romagna (Italy) by the General Assembly and the Governance Board of...

11 de July de 2016

Motivations and Emotional Experiences of the First Hospital Multidisciplinary Team Trained to Care for People with Ebola in Andalusia, Spain (2014–2016)

Reference: Casado-Mejía, R., Brea-Ruiz, M. T., Torres-Enamorado, D., Albar, M. J., et al. (2016). Motivaciones y experiencias emocionales del primer equipo multidisciplinario hospitalario entrenado para atender casos de Ébola en Andalucía (2014-2016). Gaceta Sanitaria, 30(4), 242-249. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaceta.2016.04.003 Abstract: Objective: The Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (HUVR) of Seville was chosen as...

3 de June de 2016

Nabil Sayed en Máster Migraciones Internacionales, Salud y Bienestar

El Prof. Dr. Nabil Sayed va a participar como profesor en la asignatura “Migraciones, Diversidad y Salud Mental” del Máster de Migraciones Internacionales Salud y Bienestar los días 20 y 21 de abril de 17 a 21 horas y de 9 a 14 horas, respectivamente. Nabil es psiquiatra de la Unidad...

10 de April de 2016

Jornada de Convivencia Intercultural

CESPYD asistió a la Jornada de Convivencia Intercultural de los pueblos que vivimos en Sevilla organizada por la Plataforma Somos Migrantes el sábado 12 de marzo en la Parroquia Blanca Paloma, en la barriada Los Pajaritos.  

10 de March de 2016

Crisis Humanitaria en el Mediterráneo: Intervención con Población Refugiada

Ayer, 16 de febrero, CESPYD asistió al acto organizado por Médicos del Mundo Andalucía, titulado “Crisis humanitaria en el Mediterráneo: Intervención con población refugiada”. Intervinieron Teresa González Galiana, médico y experta en acción humanitaria; Manuel Blanco Fernández, Sargento de bomberos y voluntario de PROEM-AID en Lesbos; y Pablo Simón Lorda, médico y...

17 de February de 2016


La ONG ENTRECULTURAS organiza la exposición SOMOS MIGRANTES que tendrá lugar en el Rectorado de la US del 9 noviembre al 20 noviembre. Entreculturas es una ONG de desarrollo promovida por la Compañía de Jesús que cree en la educación como instrumento de desarrollo, transformación y diálogo entre culturas. Promueve la solidaridad con...

25 de October de 2015

Concentración Solidaria con la Población Refugiada

La Plataforma Somos Migrantes, de la cual es miembro CESPYD, convoca junto con otros actores una concentración solidaria con la población refugiada. Ésta tendrá lugar el día 12 de septiembre a las 12:00h en la Puerta Jerez (Sevilla). ¡Os esperamos allí!  

10 de September de 2015

Well-Being and Social Justice Among Moroccan Migrants in Southern Spain

Reference: Paloma, V., García-Ramírez, M. y Camacho, C. (2014). Well-Being and Social Justice Among Moroccan Migrants in Southern Spain. American Journal of Community Psychology, 54, 1-11. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10464-014-9663-1 Abstract: The decision to migrate is normally based on expectations of improving one’s actual living conditions and herefore, one’s well-being. However, these expectations are...

22 de December de 2014

Transforming Health Policies through Migrant User Involvement: Lessons Learnt from Three European Countries

Reference: De Freitas, C., García-Ramirez, M., Aambø, A. y Buttigieg, S. (2014). Transforming health policies through migrant user involvement: Lessons learnt from three European countries. Psychosocial Intervention, 23, 105-113. Abstract: Designing and implementing equitable health policies requires the involvement of all stakeholders. However, disadvantaged groups are under-represented in European health participatory mechanisms....

21 de April de 2014

Community psychology contributions to the study of social inequalities, well-being and social justice

Reference: García-Ramírez, M., Balcázar, F. y De Freitas, C. (2014). Community psychology contributions to the study of social inequalities, well-being and social justice. Psychosocial Intervention, 23, 79-81. Abstract: This special issue of the Journal of Psychosocial Intervention aims to contribute to the understanding of human well-being as a matter of social justice....

20 de April de 2014