Photovoice for Promoting Empowerment with Migrant and Refugee Communities: A Scoping Review

Reference: Cubero, A., Mildenberger, L., & Garrido, R. (2024). Photovoice for promoting empowerment with migrant and refugee communities: A scoping review. Action Research. Abstract: Policymakers and researchers carry a significant responsibility to foster environments and opportunities that authentically enhance migrants’ sociopolitical involvement in host societies. Incorporating participatory action research...

8 de December de 2024

CESPYD in the Alliance for Migration Research

The Alliance for Migration Research is an international initiative led by the SAMU Foundation (Spain) and the SAMU Foundation (USA) through its SAMU Institute for Scientific Research. Its objective is to facilitate an international collaborative environment that fosters the development of studies on migration and its impacts. The Founding Meeting...

29 de October de 2024

A CESPYD Intervention is considered Good Practice by EWSI

The intervention program “Promotion of Post-traumatic Growth in Migrant and Refugee Population”, developed by CESPYD in collaboration with CEAR and the Cepaim Foundation, has been recognized as a good practice by the  European Website on Integration (EWSI). The program has demonstrated its effectiveness in increasing mental health indicators among the...

14 de October de 2024

Multiculturalism in Dominant Ethnic Populations: A Transnational Profile Analysis

Reference: Rochira, A., Verbena, S., Briozzo, E., De Simone, E., Esposito, F., Garrido, R., García-Ramírez, M., Paloma, V., Vargas-Moniz, M., & Mannarini, T. (2024). Multiculturalism in dominant ethnic populations: A transnational profile analysis. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 103, 102051. Abstract: Following a person-centered approach, the present study investigates support...

7 de October de 2024

Perceived Detention Environment and Mental Health of Detainees in Immigration Detention Centers in Spain

Reference: Paloma, V., Benítez, I., Agüero-Collins, A., López-Núñez, C., & Saavedra-Macías, F.J. (2024). Perceived detention environment and mental health of detainees in immigration detention centers in Spain. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.  Abstract: The increase in migratory flows worldwide has led to the creation of detention centers as...

1 de April de 2024

Exploring the Experiences of Migrant Women at U.S.

Coordinator: Rocío Garrido Muñoz de Arenillas. Duration: 2024 Summary: CESPYD has been designated to lead the investigation of the project “THE MIGRATORY EXPERIENCE OF WOMEN IN THE US.” The University of Seville (US) has launched this initiative in response to the growing awareness of double discrimination and inequality faced by...

17 de March de 2024

Madres UP in

This article from summarizes the actions carried out by CESPYD in the first phase of MadresUp project. During this stage, interviews and group sessions were conducted with African mothers who were being assisted by the Red Cross women’s shelter in Seville. Additionally, the fundamental objectives of the project are...

8 de March de 2024

Contribution in The Routledge International Handbook on Posttraumatic Growth

Reference:  Paloma, V., Martínez-Damia, S., de la Morena, I., López-Torres, C., & Berbel, I. (2023). A Community-based intervention to enhance posttraumatic growth among refugees in receiving societies. In R. Berger (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook on Posttraumatic Growth (pp. 542-555). Routledge. Abstract: This chapter discusses a community-based intervention aimed...

11 de December de 2023

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Psychological Well-being of Migrants and Refugees Settled in Spain

Reference: Garrido, R., Paloma, V., Benítez, I., Skovdal, M., Verelest, A. & Derluyn, I. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the psychological well-being of migrants and refugees settled in Spain. Ethnicity & Health. Abstract: Objectives. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated health inequalities worldwide, having a disproportionately harsh impact on...

12 de February de 2022

Posttraumatic Growth Intervention for Refugees

Reference: Paloma, V., de la Morena, I. & Busche, V. (2021). Posttraumatic Growth Intervention for Refugees: Implementation Manual. Center for Community Research and Action at the Universidad de Sevilla. Abstract: Este manual ha sido elaborado para facilitar la puesta en funcionamiento del programa de intervención diseñado al amparo del proyecto...

12 de October de 2021

Virginia Paloma, CESPYD Coordinator, on Noticias 7

En el informativo de 7 TV Andalucía han entrevistado a Virginia Paloma la coordinadora de CESPYD acerca del estudio Apart Together y sus resultados a nivel internacional. Os dejamos el fragmento del informativo en el que podéis ver la entrevista que le hizo Moisés Ruz a nuestra compañera Virginia Paloma. Pinchad...

4 de October de 2021

Mental Health of Refugees and Migrants during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Experienced Discrimination and Daily Stressors

Reference: Spiritus-Beerden, E., Verelst, A., Devlieger, I., Langer-Primdahl, N., Botelho-Guedes, F., Chiarenza, A., De Maesschalck, S., Durbeej, N., Garrido, R., Gaspar de Matos, M., Ioannidi, E., Murphy, R., Oulahal, R., Osman, F., Padilla, B., Paloma, V., Shehadeh, A., Sturm, G., van den Muijsenbergh, M., Vasilikou, K., Watters, C., Willems, S.,...

11 de June de 2021

El Impacto Social de la COVID-19 en la Población Migrante

Reference: Paloma, V. & Garrido, R. (2021). ApartTogether: Estudio sobre el impacto psicosocial de la COVID-19 en población migrante y refugiada en España y el mundo. Dosier RECI 3. RECI – Red de Ciudades Interculturales. Abstract: El objetivo de la contribución en este dosier es ofrecer de manera divulgativa los principales...

7 de June de 2021

The Role of Contextual Factors in the Electoral Resurgence of Extreme Right-wing Forces in Spain: The Case of Andalusia

Reference: Iglesias-Pascual, R., Paloma, V., & Benítez, I. (2021). The role of contextual factors in the electoral resurgence of extreme right-wing parties in Spain: The case of Andalusia. Political Geography, 86. doi:  Abstract: Up until the end of 2018, extreme right-wing parties and their anti-immigration discourse, now a common...

18 de February de 2021

ApartTogether Survey: Preliminary Overview of Refugees and Migrants Self-reported Impact of COVID-19

Reference: World Health Organization. (2020). ApartTogether survey: Preliminary overview of refugees and migrants self-reported impact of COVID-19. Geneva: World Health Organization. Licence: CC BY‐NC‐SA 3.0 IGO. Abstract: ApartTogether is a collaboration between World Health Organization​ and a consortium of research centres led by Prof. Ilse Derluyn and Dr. An Verelst...

20 de December de 2020

Preparation of an ACTION MAP to improve the well-being of immigrant population in Andalusia

Coordinator: Virginia Paloma. Duration: August-december 2018. Abstract: The cause of migration from the countries of origin to Andalusia is very varied, although immigrants tend to have the goal of improving their well-being conditions. Well-being is defined as the life satisfaction manifested by immigrants when their physical and psychological needs are met...

14 de December de 2020


Coordinator: Fátima León Larios. Duration: May 2017. Abstract: In accordance with Article 36 of the Constitution of the Saharawi Democratic Arab Republic, Saharawi citizens have the right to health protection and health care; the current situation in refugee camps is conditioned by health resources based on cooperation and organized among the...


Coordinator: Virginia Paloma. Abstract: The project has aimed to strengthen resilience processes among the refugee population based in Seville. Together with the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid, this proposal has generated the following products: Printed products: This project has developed a “Community Resource Guide and Map for Refugees in the City...

20 de November de 2020

Citizen’s Concentration: Human rights have no borders

A la opinión pública: El final del verano y el comienzo del otoño, que en muchos espacios se considera comienzo de nuevos proyectos y procesos, se presenta nefasto en general y especialmente denigrante para el colectivo de personas migrantes en España y Europa. Y aunque podemos seguir pensando que es...

13 de October de 2020

Constructions of Burnout, Identity and Self-care in Professionals Working toward the Psychosocial Care of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Italy

Reference: Marco Gemignani & Massimo Giliberto (2021) Constructions of burnout, identity, and self-care in professionals working toward the psychosocial care of refugees and asylum seekers in Italy, Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 34:1, 56-78. doi: 10.1080/10720537.2019.1700853 Abstract: Professionals who provide psychosocial services to refugees and asylum seekers in Italy are a population at high-risk of job stress...

1 de October de 2020

A Peer Support and Peer Mentoring Approach to Enhancing Resilience and Empowerment among Refugees settled in Southern Spain

Reference: Paloma, V., de la Morena, I., Sladkova, J., & López‐Torres, C. (2020). A peer support and peer mentoring approach to enhancing resilience and empowerment among refugees settled in southern Spain. Journal of Community Psychology, 48 (5), 1438-1451. Abstract: This study aims to analyze the processes of resilience and empowerment...

2 de April de 2020

Promoting Posttraumatic Growth among the Refugee Population in Spain: A Community‐based Pilot Intervention

Reference: Paloma, V., de la Morena, I., & López‐Torres, C. (2020). Promoting posttraumatic growth among therefugee population in Spain: A community‐based pilot intervention. Health & Social Care in the Community, 28 (1), 127-136. Abstract: Various international organisations have identified the development of programmes that mitigate the negative impact that forced...

1 de October de 2019

Celebramos el Día del Refugiado en la Facultad de Psicología de la US

Desde CESPYD nos complace invitaros a la Jornada que hemos organizado junto con INCOMA y la Plataforma Somos Migrantes de Sevilla para conmemorar la celebración del Día del Refugiad@, en el marco del proyecto europeo Erasmus+ RE.INCLUSION. Tendrá lugar el próximo martes 18 de Junio por la mañana en el Aula de Grados de la Facultad de...

10 de June de 2019

Effects of the Economic Crisis and Austerity Policies on Health and Health Care Access of Migrant Population in Southern European Countries: Scoping Review

Reference: Jordão, N. M., Freitas, C. D., & García Ramírez, M. (2018). Effects of the economic crisis and austerity policies on health and health care access of migrant population in southern European countries: scoping review. REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, 26(54), 213-230. Abstract: The aim of this article is to gather...

13 de December de 2018

Map and Guide to Community Resources for Refugees in the City of Seville

“Guide to community resources for refugees in the city of Seville” See guide in Spanish See guide in English See guide in French See guide in Arabic See guide in Russian “Map of community resources for refugees in the city of Seville”       See map Result of the project “Strengthening Resilient...

19 de July de 2018

Virginia Paloma Visits Stockholm University

Our colleague Virginia Paloma visited Stockholm University (Sweden) last week thanks to the invitation of  Prof. Sirkku Männikkö Barbutiu, from the Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences at this University. During her visit, Virginia presented her current research in the seminar organized by the above department with the work “Constructing Useful...

18 de June de 2018

CESPYD Declares its Institutional Support towards PROEMAID and its Volunteers

Desde CESPYD reconocemos y apoyamos públicamente la labor de PROEMAID, especialmente la realizada por los voluntarios Manuel Blanco, José Enrique Rodríguez y Julio Latorre, a quienes se les acusa  injustamente de tráfico de personas. El próximo 7 de mayo se enfrentan en Grecia a una pena de cárcel de 10...

12 de April de 2018

Health Disparities: Understanding and Promoting Healthy Communities

Referencia: Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Mirza, M. P., & García-Ramírez, M. (2017). Health disparities: Understanding and promoting healthy communities. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 46, 1-6. doi: Resumen: This themed issue focuses on understanding and addressing several public health issues affecting communities today nationally and internationally. Health disparities, and global health in...

28 de December de 2017

Experimentos Virtuales de Intervenciones Sociales para la Mejora del Bienestar Inmigrante en Andalucía

Reference: Paloma, V. (Coord.) (2017). Experimentos virtuales de intervenciones sociales para la mejora del bienestar inmigrante en Andalucía. Sevilla: Centro de Estudios Andaluces. Abstract: El presente informe recoge los resultados del proyecto de investigación financiado por el Centro de Estudios Andaluces en la convocatoria 2014 denominado ‘Bienestar Inmigrante y Justicia...

27 de December de 2017

The Voice and Look of Young Refugees in Greece: Photovoice as a Community Action-Research Tool

Reference: Garrido, R., & Delgado, A. (2017). La Voz y la Mirada de Jóvenes Refugiados/as en Grecia: Photovoice como Herramienta de Investigación-Acción Comunitaria. Papeles de Trabajo sobre Cultura, Educación y Desarrollo Humano / Working Papers on Culture, Education and Human Development. Número monográfico “5th International Health Humanities Conference”. Abstract: In April 2016, a photovoice workshop was held...

10 de December de 2017

Day “Care for Migrants”

Activity carried out in the Faculty of Psychology of the US, proclaimed Faculty Refuge. Photographs by Rocío Valerous.

8 de October de 2017

Informe CIE 2016 “25,66 Media Diaria de Repatriaciones Forzadas”

La Asociación Claver-Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes presentará su informe anual CIE 2016, titulado: “25,66 Media Diaria de Repatriaciones Forzadas” este martes 13 de junio a las 20:00 horas en la sede de Sevilla localizada en el Centro Arrupe (Avda. Eduardo Dato 20).  Este informe aborda la situación en la que se encuentran las personas inmigrantes...

12 de June de 2017

Crisis Humanitaria en el Mediterráneo: Intervención con Población Refugiada

Ayer, 16 de febrero, CESPYD asistió al acto organizado por Médicos del Mundo Andalucía, titulado “Crisis humanitaria en el Mediterráneo: Intervención con población refugiada”. Intervinieron Teresa González Galiana, médico y experta en acción humanitaria; Manuel Blanco Fernández, Sargento de bomberos y voluntario de PROEM-AID en Lesbos; y Pablo Simón Lorda, médico y...

17 de February de 2016

HUMANITARIAN CRISIS and improvement of psychological well-being among the refugee population settled in Andalusia

Coordinator: Virginia Paloma. Duration: 2016-2017. Abstract: This intervention project, coordinated by Virginia Paloma, aims to promote psychological well-being from a community approach based on strengths among refugees arrived in the city of Seville. To achieve this goal, five specific objectives are proposed: (1) culturally adjusting evidence-based best practices aimed at improving the psychological...

1 de January de 2016

SCRA’s Response to the Global Refugee Crisis

OVERVIEW OF THE REFUGEE CRISIS The massive arrival of Syrians to the European borders has become a symbol of the suffering of the millions of persons displaced by the wars and generalized violence that devastates our planet. At this time, more than twelve million people need humanitarian aid in Syria....

29 de December de 2015

Máster en Migraciones Internacionales, Salud y Bienestar (US)

El Máster en Migraciones Internacionales, Salud y Bienestar: Modelos y Estrategias de Intervención es un programa de posgrado de un año de duración (60 créditos ECTS) que se imparte en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Sevilla. Tiene como objetivo formar científicos y profesionales competentes en servicios socio-sanitarios dirigidos...

16 de September de 2015

Concentración Solidaria con la Población Refugiada

La Plataforma Somos Migrantes, de la cual es miembro CESPYD, convoca junto con otros actores una concentración solidaria con la población refugiada. Ésta tendrá lugar el día 12 de septiembre a las 12:00h en la Puerta Jerez (Sevilla). ¡Os esperamos allí!  

10 de September de 2015

ADAPT: Adapting european health systems to diversity

Funded by: COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology. Coordinators: David Ingleby (University of Amsterdam) and Bernadette Kumar (NAKMI). Duration: 2011 – 2015. Abstract: European societies are becoming ethnically and culturally more diverse, yet their health systems are failing to keep pace. This Action aims to promote the adoption and...

1 de January de 2011