Andalusian Council of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families & Equality DG of Social Protection in Collaboration with ROMACARE and ANDAROMI

On February 11, 2025, Prof. Manuel Garcia-Ramirez and Dr. Daniela Miranda, Principal Investigators of ANDAROMI and ROMACARE, met with the Andalusian Council of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families and Equality DG of Social Protection, Antonio Ismael Huertas Mateo, to enhance collaboration for project implementation. The meeting highlighted the role of the...

19 de February de 2025

A Romani perspective of the Future

On January 23 and 24, 2025, CESPYD’s Roma research line, in collaboration with the Public University of Navarra, the Federation of Roma Associations of Navarra Gaz Kaló, the Yiló Association, and La Fragua Projects, organized a Discussion Forum in Pamplona. This event brought together activists, academics, and representatives of Roma...

27 de January de 2025

NEXTROM launches its new website!

NEXTROM has launched its own website to provide the academic community and the general public with direct access to its progress, activities, and resources. The website, accessible at, will become the main hub for sharing information on the project’s achievements and advancements, as well as reflecting NEXTROM’s commitment to...

18 de November de 2024


The article “Community participation and subjective wellbeing among the immigrant population in northern Italy: An analysis of mediators”, published in the American Journal of Community Psychology by Martínez-Damia, S., Paloma, V., Luesia, J.F., Marta , E. , and Marzana, D. (, has been adapted to an informative format and published...

7 de November de 2023

Different Media Echo the CIE 2022 Report of the Jesuit Service to Migrants.

The Jesuit Service to Migrants (SJM) has presented its 2022 Annual Report on Foreigners’ Detention Centres (CIE) in Spain, entitled ‘Inequalities that generate inequality’. In this Report, CESPYD has collaborated in anticipation of the main results of a study on the mental health of inmates, carried out in collaboration with...

13 de June de 2023

CESPYD hosts the Preparatory Meeting for the III Ibero-American Permanent Forum “Afro-descendant Women and Human Rights Defenders”

CESPYD, in collaboration with the Haurralde Foundation and the Asociación Afro y Defensoras de Derechos Humanos (Colombia), has held the first preparatory meeting of the “III Ibero-American Permanent Forum of Afro-descendant Women and Human Rights Defenders”.   This preparatory meeting took place in the Faculty of Psychology of the University...

6 de February de 2023

NEXTROM: Digitising the new Roma generations

Coordinators: Manuel García-Ramírez and Virginia Paloma. Duration: Ongoing project. Abstract: Post-COVID Europe must ensure that the next generations of Roma people overcome the inequalities they have suffered for centuries. The pandemic has catalysed these inequalities and risks further exacerbating their difficulties in accessing decent housing, access to employment and fair working conditions,...

20 de December de 2022

POWER2ROMI: Empowering andalusian Roma women and girls’ mattering through reproductive justice

Coordinators: Manuel García-Ramírez and Virginia Paloma. Duration: Ongoing project. Abstract: Early marriage and motherhood among Roma women (REMM) in Andalusia impoverish their lives, puts them at risk for physical and mental health, makes them vulnerable to domestic violence, precipitates school dropouts and condemns them to precarious jobs. Although it is usually attributed to...

1 de July de 2022

Migrants’ Involvement in Health Policy, Service Development and Research in the WHO European Region: A Narrative Review Policy and Practice

Reference: MacFarlane, A., Ogoro, M., De Freitas, C., Niranjan, V., Severoni, S. & Waagensen, E. (2021). “Migrants’ involvement in health policy, service development and research in the WHO European Region: A narrative review policy and practice”. Tropical Medicine & International Health. Abstract: OBJECTIVES. The involvement of individuals and communities...

15 de October de 2021

CESPYD Attends Fundamental Rights Forum 2021 to Discuss Role of Roma Girls in Advocacy and Political Participation

CESPYD asiste al Fundamental Rights Forum 2021 para hablar del rol de las niñas gitanas en la abogacía y la participación política el día 12 de octubre a las 14.30 horas (CET). Para más información, os dejamos el enlace de la sesión:  Welcome to the Fundamental Rights Forum 2021...

11 de October de 2021

Virginia Paloma, CESPYD Coordinator, on Noticias 7

En el informativo de 7 TV Andalucía han entrevistado a Virginia Paloma la coordinadora de CESPYD acerca del estudio Apart Together y sus resultados a nivel internacional. Os dejamos el fragmento del informativo en el que podéis ver la entrevista que le hizo Moisés Ruz a nuestra compañera Virginia Paloma. Pinchad...

4 de October de 2021

The Role of Contextual Factors in the Electoral Resurgence of Extreme Right-wing Forces in Spain: The Case of Andalusia

Reference: Iglesias-Pascual, R., Paloma, V., & Benítez, I. (2021). The role of contextual factors in the electoral resurgence of extreme right-wing parties in Spain: The case of Andalusia. Political Geography, 86. doi:  Abstract: Up until the end of 2018, extreme right-wing parties and their anti-immigration discourse, now a common...

18 de February de 2021

Energy Poverty in Torreblanca and Polígono Sur: The Current Situation

The group of Roma women from Polígono Sur and Torreblanca, through their grassroots organization YILÓ, @somosyilo, is denouncing the constant problems in their neighborhoods due to the constant power cuts. They expressed this situation during a heat wave last August, now, in the middle of a cold wave, the cuts...

22 de January de 2021

Preparation of an ACTION MAP to improve the well-being of immigrant population in Andalusia

Coordinator: Virginia Paloma. Duration: August-december 2018. Abstract: The cause of migration from the countries of origin to Andalusia is very varied, although immigrants tend to have the goal of improving their well-being conditions. Well-being is defined as the life satisfaction manifested by immigrants when their physical and psychological needs are met...

14 de December de 2020


Coordinator: Virginia Paloma. Abstract: The project has aimed to strengthen resilience processes among the refugee population based in Seville. Together with the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid, this proposal has generated the following products: Printed products: This project has developed a “Community Resource Guide and Map for Refugees in the City...

20 de November de 2020

Barriers to and Facilitators of Community Participation among Latinx Migrants with Disabilities in the United States and Latinx Migrant Workers in Canada: An Ecological Analysis

Reference: Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Viquez, F., Miranda, D., & Early, A.R. (2020). Barriers to and facilitators of community participation among Latinx migrants with disabilities in the United States and Latinx migrant workers in Canada: An ecological analysis. Journal of Community Psychology, 48 (8), 2773-2788. doi: 10.1002/jcop.22452 Abstract: Abstract Individuals migrate to improve their...

29 de October de 2020

Citizen’s Concentration: Human rights have no borders

A la opinión pública: El final del verano y el comienzo del otoño, que en muchos espacios se considera comienzo de nuevos proyectos y procesos, se presenta nefasto en general y especialmente denigrante para el colectivo de personas migrantes en España y Europa. Y aunque podemos seguir pensando que es...

13 de October de 2020

COVID-19 Effects on Roma Health Rights and Social Determinants in Seville

Seville, 16 May 2020. Following the meeting with the Mayor of Seville, Juan Espadas, on Wednesday 6th May, Roma women, CESPYD, Studio 41013 and other collaborators developed a policy brief with a set of recommendations that have been proposed to the City Council. Roma populations of Seville suffer a constant violation of their human...

16 de May de 2020

Contextual Factors and Prejudice at the Beginning of the Migrant Influx: The Moroccan Case in Seville, Spain

Reference: Iglesias‐Pascual, R., Paloma, V., & García‐Ramírez, M. (2018). Contextual factors and prejudice at the beginning of the migrant influx: The Moroccan case in Seville, Spain. Population, Space and Place, 25 (3), e2204. doi: Abstract: Studies addressing contextual factors associated with anti‐immigrant prejudice have focused on out‐group size and rapid demographic changes...

23 de January de 2019

Effects of the Economic Crisis and Austerity Policies on Health and Health Care Access of Migrant Population in Southern European Countries: Scoping Review

Reference: Jordão, N. M., Freitas, C. D., & García Ramírez, M. (2018). Effects of the economic crisis and austerity policies on health and health care access of migrant population in southern European countries: scoping review. REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, 26(54), 213-230. Abstract: The aim of this article is to gather...

13 de December de 2018

1st World Congress on Migration, Ethnicity, Health and Race

On May 17, 18 and 19 took place in Edinburgh, Scotland, the 1st World Congress on Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health.  CESPYD was present at the event with two contributions: the poster “A multi-level advocacy framework for Roma health: a scoping review” by Daniela Miranda, Irene Oreja, Claudia de Freitas...

22 de May de 2018

CESPYD Declares its Institutional Support towards PROEMAID and its Volunteers

Desde CESPYD reconocemos y apoyamos públicamente la labor de PROEMAID, especialmente la realizada por los voluntarios Manuel Blanco, José Enrique Rodríguez y Julio Latorre, a quienes se les acusa  injustamente de tráfico de personas. El próximo 7 de mayo se enfrentan en Grecia a una pena de cárcel de 10...

12 de April de 2018

Sexual and Reproductive Health in Roma Women: the Family Planning Programme of Polígono Sur in Seville (Spain)

Reference: Escobar-Ballesta, M., García-Ramírez, M., Albar-Marín, M. J., & Paloma, V. (en prensa). Salud sexual y reproductiva en mujeres gitanas: el programa de planificación familiar del Polígono Sur. Gaceta Sanitaria. doi: Abstract: Objective: To describe the challenges, resources and strategies of the staff of the family planning programme of the Polígono Sur...

6 de April de 2018

Community Public Health Practicum in the Amazon Region of Peru: Student Experiences

Reference: Leon-Montoya, G., Albar, M. J., & Leon-Larios, F. (2018). Community public health practicum in the Amazon region of Peru: Student experiences. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 46, 73-83. doi: Abstract: This article presents the experience of a community public health practicum in the Amazon region...

29 de December de 2017

Shedding Light on Governance for Roma Health Inequities

Reference: Escobar-Ballesta, M., García-Ramírez, M., Miranda, D. E., & Petrova-Benedict, R. (2017). Shedding light on governance for Roma health inequities. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 46, 84-99. doi: Abstract: The health inequities suffered by the Roma population in Europe represent an alarming and unacceptable source of injustice. As...

28 de December de 2017

Experimentos Virtuales de Intervenciones Sociales para la Mejora del Bienestar Inmigrante en Andalucía

Reference: Paloma, V. (Coord.) (2017). Experimentos virtuales de intervenciones sociales para la mejora del bienestar inmigrante en Andalucía. Sevilla: Centro de Estudios Andaluces. Abstract: El presente informe recoge los resultados del proyecto de investigación financiado por el Centro de Estudios Andaluces en la convocatoria 2014 denominado ‘Bienestar Inmigrante y Justicia...

27 de December de 2017

ROAD4HEALTH: A multi-level advocacy framework to implement the national Roma integration strategies’ health component in at-risk local contexts in Spain

Coordinator: Manuel García-Ramírez. Partner: FAKALI. Duration: 2016-2018. Abstract: This project seeks to promote advocacy processes among multiple levels and stakeholders— policymakers, health professionals, organizational managers, Roma NGOs and Roma neighbors— to ensure the implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies-Health component (NRIS-H) in at-risk local contexts with a high Roma population. To achieve this,...

23 de November de 2017

Implementing a Cultural Competence Training as a Psychopolitical Empowerment Process

Reference: Acosta, M. E., Albar, M. J., García-Ramírez, M., & Aguilera, A. (2017). Implementing a cultural competence training as a psychopolitical empowerment process. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 45, 70-80. doi: Abstract: The cultural competence training (CCT) of health care professionals represents a useful resource to face the...

28 de July de 2017

Follow-up Case Study on the NRIS Spain: Strengthening Roma Engagement in Polígono Sur through Roma Health Governance

Reference: García-Ramírez, M. (Coord.) (2016). Follow-up Case Study on the NRIS Spain: Strengthening Roma Engagement in Polígono Sur through Roma Health Governance. International Organization for Migrations. Abstract: This report has been developed within the framework of the Equi-Health’s follow-up case study on the NRIS Spain (health component). The project “Equi-Health: Fostering...

27 de December de 2016

The Challenge of Equity in Health Policies Aimed at the Roma Population in Spain

Reference: García-Ramírez, M., Escobar-Ballesta, M., Lizana, T., & Albar, M. J. (2016). El Reto de la Equidad en las Políticas Sanitarias Dirigidas al Pueblo Gitano en España. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, vol. 7. Reference: In this paper we address the contribution of the community psychology to the formulation of...

24 de September de 2016


Coordinator: Manuel García-Ramírez. Duration: 2015-2016. Abstract: Roma health governance in the Polígono Sur (Seville, Spain) was implemented by the International Organization for Migrations, CESPYD and the Office of the Integral Plan of the Polígono Sur. The goal of this project is to ensure that the health programs, plans and policies are sensitive to...

1 de February de 2016

Standards for Equity in Health Care for Migrants and other Vulnerable Groups. Self-Assessment Tool for Pilot Implementation

Reference: Chiarenza, A. (Coord). Standards for equity in health care for migrants and other vulnerable groups. Self-Assessment Tool for Pilot Implementation. Reggio Emilia, International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals. Abstract: The Task Force on Migrant-friendly and Culturally Competent Healthcare (TF MFCCH) has developed a set of standards aiming at monitoring...

28 de January de 2014

EQUIHEALTH: Fostering health provision for migrants, the Roma and other vulnerable groups

Coordinator: Roumyana Petrova Benedict (IOM Regional Office Brussels). Duration: 2013-2015. Abstract: The objective of the EQUIHEALTH action is to improve the access and appropriateness of health care services, health promotion and prevention to meet the needs of migrants, the Roma and other vulnerable ethnic minority groups, including irregular migrants residing...

1 de January de 2013

C2ME: Culturally competent teachers in medical education

Funded by: EACEA Erasmus Lifelong Learning Program. Coordinator: Jeanine Suurmond (Academic Medical Centre/University of Amsterdam). Duration: 2013 – 2015. Abstract: C2ME aims to develop an overarching faculty programme for faculty staff as well as educational leaders.  C2ME will develop design principles to implement cultural competencies in the curriculum. This will...

ADAPT: Adapting european health systems to diversity

Funded by: COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology. Coordinators: David Ingleby (University of Amsterdam) and Bernadette Kumar (NAKMI). Duration: 2011 – 2015. Abstract: European societies are becoming ethnically and culturally more diverse, yet their health systems are failing to keep pace. This Action aims to promote the adoption and...

1 de January de 2011

HOME: Health and social care for migrants and ethnic minorities

Financiado por: COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology. Coordinador: David Ingleby (University of Amsterdam). Duración: 2007 – 2011. Resumen: El reciente aumento del número de migrantes en Europa ha generado un volumen creciente de investigaciones sobre su estado de salud y la necesidad de adaptar los servicios de atención...

1 de January de 2007