The Role of Contextual Factors in the Electoral Resurgence of Extreme Right-wing Forces in Spain: The Case of Andalusia

Reference: Iglesias-Pascual, R., Paloma, V., & Benítez, I. (2021). The role of contextual factors in the electoral resurgence of extreme right-wing parties in Spain: The case of Andalusia. Political Geography, 86. doi:  Abstract: Up until the end of 2018, extreme right-wing parties and their anti-immigration discourse, now a common...

18 de February de 2021

Hacia la Equidad en Salud en Andalucía: Diagnóstico de la Incorporación de una Perspectiva Sensible a la Diversidad Cultural y al Género en las Políticas y Servicios Sanitarios

Reference: Garrido, R. (2019). Hacia la Equidad en Salud en Andalucía: Diagnóstico de la incorporación de una perspectiva sensible a la diversidad cultural y al género en las políticas y servicios sanitarios. Sevilla: MAD África. Abstract: Este estudio se enmarca en el proyecto Nder: Alzando la voz desde los feminismos...

29 de January de 2021

Energy Poverty in Torreblanca and Polígono Sur: The Current Situation

The group of Roma women from Polígono Sur and Torreblanca, through their grassroots organization YILÓ, @somosyilo, is denouncing the constant problems in their neighborhoods due to the constant power cuts. They expressed this situation during a heat wave last August, now, in the middle of a cold wave, the cuts...

22 de January de 2021

ApartTogether Survey: Preliminary Overview of Refugees and Migrants Self-reported Impact of COVID-19

Reference: World Health Organization. (2020). ApartTogether survey: Preliminary overview of refugees and migrants self-reported impact of COVID-19. Geneva: World Health Organization. Licence: CC BY‐NC‐SA 3.0 IGO. Abstract: ApartTogether is a collaboration between World Health Organization​ and a consortium of research centres led by Prof. Ilse Derluyn and Dr. An Verelst...

20 de December de 2020

A Reproductive Justice Lens in COVID19 Times: the Rights of Roma Girls

On World Children’s Day in the climate of COVID-19 we must highlight the urgent challenge to protect the rights of Roma girls across Europe. COVID-19 has marked a grim time in which Roma girls have experienced a significant loss in their closest networks, insufficient resources to continue their schooling at home, the...

1 de December de 2020

Training for Roma Health Advocacy: a Case Study of Torreblanca, Seville

Reference: Miranda DE, et al. Capacitación de población gitana en abogacía para la salud: un estudio de caso en Torreblanca, Sevilla. Gac Sanit. 2020. doi: Abstract: The objective of this study is to build advocacy capacity among a group of gipsy Roma neighbours living in contexts of risk of...

22 de November de 2020


Coordinator: Virginia Paloma. Abstract: The project has aimed to strengthen resilience processes among the refugee population based in Seville. Together with the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid, this proposal has generated the following products: Printed products: This project has developed a “Community Resource Guide and Map for Refugees in the City...

20 de November de 2020

RoMoMatteR: Empowering Roma Girls’ Mattering through Reproductive Justice

Reference: Garcia-Ramirez, M., Soto-Ponce, B., Albar-Marín, M.J., Parra-Casado, D.L., Popova, D., & Tomsa, R. (2020). RoMoMatteR: Empowering Roma Girls’ Mattering through Reproductive Justice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,17(22), 8498. doi: Abstract: Aim: To present a protocol study directed at tackling gender discrimination against Roma girls by...

18 de November de 2020

Barriers to and Facilitators of Community Participation among Latinx Migrants with Disabilities in the United States and Latinx Migrant Workers in Canada: An Ecological Analysis

Reference: Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Viquez, F., Miranda, D., & Early, A.R. (2020). Barriers to and facilitators of community participation among Latinx migrants with disabilities in the United States and Latinx migrant workers in Canada: An ecological analysis. Journal of Community Psychology, 48 (8), 2773-2788. doi: 10.1002/jcop.22452 Abstract: Abstract Individuals migrate to improve their...

29 de October de 2020

Constructions of Burnout, Identity and Self-care in Professionals Working toward the Psychosocial Care of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Italy

Reference: Marco Gemignani & Massimo Giliberto (2021) Constructions of burnout, identity, and self-care in professionals working toward the psychosocial care of refugees and asylum seekers in Italy, Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 34:1, 56-78. doi: 10.1080/10720537.2019.1700853 Abstract: Professionals who provide psychosocial services to refugees and asylum seekers in Italy are a population at high-risk of job stress...

1 de October de 2020

Building Meaningful Community Advocacy for Ethnic‐based Health Equity: The RoAd4Health Experience

Reference: Miranda, D., García-Ramírez, & M., Albar-Marín, M. J. (2020). Building Meaningful Community Advocacy for Ethnic‐based Health Equity: The RoAd4Health Experience. American Journal of Community Psychology. doi: Abstract: The pervasive failure of policies aimed at overcoming health inequities suffered by European Roma reflects the oppressive and impoverished living conditions of many...

13 de September de 2020

A Community-Based Participatory Action Research for Roma Health Justice in a Deprived District in Spain

Reference: Miranda, D. E., Garcia-Ramirez, M., Balcazar, F. E., & Suarez-Balcazar, Y. (2019). A Community-Based Participatory Action Research for Roma Health Justice in a Deprived District in Spain. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(19), 3722. doi: Abstract: Addressing health disparities and promoting health equity for Roma...

1 de July de 2020

COVID-19 Effects on Roma Health Rights and Social Determinants in Seville

Seville, 16 May 2020. Following the meeting with the Mayor of Seville, Juan Espadas, on Wednesday 6th May, Roma women, CESPYD, Studio 41013 and other collaborators developed a policy brief with a set of recommendations that have been proposed to the City Council. Roma populations of Seville suffer a constant violation of their human...

16 de May de 2020

Moving towards Community Cultural Competence

Reference: Garrido, R., Garcia-Ramirez, M., & Balcazar, F. E. (2019). Moving towards Community Cultural Competence. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 73, 89-101. doi: Abstract: Addressing the complex needs of migrants and ethnic minorities is a challenge for host communities, where the cultural competence of service providers is an important asset...

31 de October de 2019

DIVERSITY AND EQUITY IN IBERO-AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES: Characterization of good practices and identification of needs from the standpoint of psychology

Coordinator: Rocío Garrido. Duration: August-November 2019. Abstract: Since the suppression of homosexuality as a mental illness by the American Psychological Association in the 70-80s of the last century, there have been many advances in the recognition of LGTBIQ+ people rights around the world. The lack of guarantee of sexual rights...

1 de October de 2019

Convivencia, Participación y Diversidad en Sevilla

Reference: Garrido, R. (2019). Living together, Participation and Diversity in Seville. Claver y Ayuntamiento de Sevilla. Abstract: Este informe recoge los resultados del proyecto “Construyendo redes de convivencia y participación ciudadana y vecinal”, financiado por el Ayuntamiento de Sevilla y desarrollado por la asociación Claver. Concretamente, se presenta un diagnóstico...

30 de September de 2019

Sociopolitical Control for Immigrants: The Role of Receiving Local Contexts

Referencia: Paloma, V., Lenzi, M., Furlanis, N., Vieno, A., & García-Ramírez, M. (2018). Sociopolitical Control for Immigrants: The Role of Receiving Local Contexts. American Journal of Community Psychology, 62 (1-2), 41-50. doi: Resumen: This study examines the individual and contextual factors associated with sociopolitical control expressed by immigrants in southern...

18 de July de 2018

Psychosocial Intervention Is Now Rated by Clarivate Analytic Journal Impact Factor

The journal Psychosocial Intervention is now indexed and abstracted in the Clarivate Analytics’ Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal Citation Reports and Social Sciences Edition Social Sciences Citation Index. Psychosocial Intervention is included in the most influential and recognized  international databases such as:  Current Contents® (Clarivate), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Google...

3 de May de 2018

The Voice and Look of Young Refugees in Greece: Photovoice as a Community Action-Research Tool

Reference: Garrido, R., & Delgado, A. (2017). La Voz y la Mirada de Jóvenes Refugiados/as en Grecia: Photovoice como Herramienta de Investigación-Acción Comunitaria. Papeles de Trabajo sobre Cultura, Educación y Desarrollo Humano / Working Papers on Culture, Education and Human Development. Número monográfico “5th International Health Humanities Conference”. Abstract: In April 2016, a photovoice workshop was held...

10 de December de 2017

ROAD4HEALTH: A multi-level advocacy framework to implement the national Roma integration strategies’ health component in at-risk local contexts in Spain

Coordinator: Manuel García-Ramírez. Partner: FAKALI. Duration: 2016-2018. Abstract: This project seeks to promote advocacy processes among multiple levels and stakeholders— policymakers, health professionals, organizational managers, Roma NGOs and Roma neighbors— to ensure the implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies-Health component (NRIS-H) in at-risk local contexts with a high Roma population. To achieve this,...

23 de November de 2017

Photovoice as a Research-Intervention Tool for Youth Neighborhood Activism in Societally Vulnerable Contexts

Reference: Guariso, G. Paloma, V., Arias, S., Garrido, R., García-Ramírez, M. (2016). Photovoice as a Research-Intervention Tool for Youth Neighborhood Activism in Societally Vulnerable Contexts. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 7 (3), 1-18. Abstract: Teenagers who live in vulnerable neighborhoods have a higher probability of entering into a vicious circle where...

27 de December de 2016

Community Research Forum. A Multipurpose Tool

Reference: Manzano, V. (2016). Community Research Forum. A Multipurpose Tool. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 8. doi: Abstract: The community forum is a tool widely used by organizations of civil society, and sometimes with government. As a tool for action, the community forum has received little academic or scientific attention....

23 de October de 2016

The Challenge of Equity in Health Policies Aimed at the Roma Population in Spain

Reference: García-Ramírez, M., Escobar-Ballesta, M., Lizana, T., & Albar, M. J. (2016). El Reto de la Equidad en las Políticas Sanitarias Dirigidas al Pueblo Gitano en España. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, vol. 7. Reference: In this paper we address the contribution of the community psychology to the formulation of...

24 de September de 2016

TF MED: Task force migration, equity and diversity

Coordinator: Antonio Chiarenza (Health Authority of Reggio Emilia). Duration: 2016 – 2020. Abstract: The TF Migration, Equity & Diversity is established within the international HPH network with a specific mandate for coordination assigned to the HPH regional network of Emilia-Romagna (Italy) by the General Assembly and the Governance Board of...

11 de July de 2016

HUMANITARIAN CRISIS and improvement of psychological well-being among the refugee population settled in Andalusia

Coordinator: Virginia Paloma. Duration: 2016-2017. Abstract: This intervention project, coordinated by Virginia Paloma, aims to promote psychological well-being from a community approach based on strengths among refugees arrived in the city of Seville. To achieve this goal, five specific objectives are proposed: (1) culturally adjusting evidence-based best practices aimed at improving the psychological...

1 de January de 2016

Neurofeedback, Pharmacological Treatment and Behavioral Therapy in Hyperactivity: Multilevel Analysis of Treatment Effects on Electroencephalography

Reference: Moreno-García, I., Delgado-Pardo, G. Camacho, C. Meneres-Sanchoa, S., &  Servera-Barceló, M. (2015). Neurofeedback, pharmacological treatment and behavioral therapy in hyperactivity: Multilevel analysis of treatment effects on electroencephalography. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology.  Abstract: Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of neurofeedback, pharmacological treatment and behavioral therapy...

22 de December de 2015

Máster en Migraciones Internacionales, Salud y Bienestar (US)

El Máster en Migraciones Internacionales, Salud y Bienestar: Modelos y Estrategias de Intervención es un programa de posgrado de un año de duración (60 créditos ECTS) que se imparte en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Sevilla. Tiene como objetivo formar científicos y profesionales competentes en servicios socio-sanitarios dirigidos...

16 de September de 2015

Well-Being and Social Justice Among Moroccan Migrants in Southern Spain

Reference: Paloma, V., García-Ramírez, M. y Camacho, C. (2014). Well-Being and Social Justice Among Moroccan Migrants in Southern Spain. American Journal of Community Psychology, 54, 1-11. doi: Abstract: The decision to migrate is normally based on expectations of improving one’s actual living conditions and herefore, one’s well-being. However, these expectations are...

22 de December de 2014

Transforming Health Policies through Migrant User Involvement: Lessons Learnt from Three European Countries

Reference: De Freitas, C., García-Ramirez, M., Aambø, A. y Buttigieg, S. (2014). Transforming health policies through migrant user involvement: Lessons learnt from three European countries. Psychosocial Intervention, 23, 105-113. Abstract: Designing and implementing equitable health policies requires the involvement of all stakeholders. However, disadvantaged groups are under-represented in European health participatory mechanisms....

21 de April de 2014

Community psychology contributions to the study of social inequalities, well-being and social justice

Reference: García-Ramírez, M., Balcázar, F. y De Freitas, C. (2014). Community psychology contributions to the study of social inequalities, well-being and social justice. Psychosocial Intervention, 23, 79-81. Abstract: This special issue of the Journal of Psychosocial Intervention aims to contribute to the understanding of human well-being as a matter of social justice....

20 de April de 2014

Ecological Theory and Research in Multicultural Psychology: A Community Psychology Perspective

Reference:  Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Balcazar, F., Garcia-Ramirez, M. y Taylor-Ritzler, T. (2014). Ecological theory and research in multicultural psychology: A community psychology perspective. In F.T.L. Leong (Ed.) APA Handbook of Multicultural Psychology, vol.1.  Full text:

16 de January de 2014

PROCOMDI: Community cultural competence, competent professionals in diverse community

Coordinator: Manuel García-Ramírez. Duration: 2012-2014. Abstract: The Spanish model of economic growth has required an important contribution by a low qualified immigrant work force that suffers multiple risks of social exclusion. The lack of accessibility, acceptance, and the quality of health care aggravates these risks. For some time, the scientific community has...

1 de January de 2014

A Case Study of Liberation among Latino Immigrant Families Who Have Children with Disabilities

Reference: Balcazar, F. E., Suarez-Balcazar, Y., Bibiana-Adames, S., Keys, C. B., Garcia-Ramirez, M. y Paloma, V. (2012). A case study of liberation among Latino immigrant families who have children with disabilities. American Journal of Community Psychology, 49, 283-293. doi: Abstract: Latino immigrant families with children with disabilities experience multiple sources of...

22 de December de 2012

Building Healthcare Stakeholder Coalitions: A Community Psychology Approach to User Involvement for Migrant Populations

Reference: García-Ramírez, M., Hernández-Plaza, S., Albar, M. J., Luque-Ribelles, V. y Suárez-Balcázar, Y. (2012). Building healthcare stakeholder coalitions: A community psychology approach to user involvement for migrant populations. In David Ingleby, Antonio Chiarenza, Walter Devillé & Ioanna Kotsioni (Eds.) Inequalities in health care for migrants and ethnic minorities. Vol. 2. COST...

TF MFCCH: Task force on migrant friendly and culturally competent healthcare

Funded by: WHO’s International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services (HPH). Coordinator: Antonio Chiarenza (Health Authority of Reggio Emilia). Duration: 2012 – 2016. Abstract: The Task Force on Migrant Friendly and Culturally Competent Health Care is established within the international HPH network with a specific mandate for coordination...

1 de January de 2012

Aproximaciones para una Psicología de la Crisis

Reference: Manzano-Arrondo, V. (2011). Aproximaciones para una Psicología de la Crisis. Anduli. Revista Andaluza de Ciencias Sociales, 10, 69-84. ISSN 16960270. Full text:  

22 de March de 2011

Building International Collaborative Capacity: Contributions of Community Psychologists to a European Network

Reference: Garcia-Ramirez, M., Paloma, V., Suarez-Balcazar, Y. y Balcazar, F. (2009). Building international collaborative capacity: Contributions of community psychologists to a European network. American Journal of Community Psychology, 44, 116–122. doi: Abstract: Europe is in the process of building a more participative, just, and inclusive European Union. The European...

17 de June de 2009

User Involvement and Empowerment in Health Care Practices with Ethnic Minority and Migrant Groups: A Community Approach

Referencia: García-Ramirez, M. y Hatzidimitriadou, E. (2009). Editorial. User Involvement and Empowerment in Health Care Practices with Ethnic Minority and Migrant Groups: A Community Approach. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, Vol. 5, Iss: 1, pp. 2 – 4. Publicación completa:  

1 de June de 2009

COMMUNITY INTEGRATION OF MOROCCAN IMMIGRANTS in Andalusia. Predictive factors and action plan

Coordinator: Manuel García-Ramírez. Duration: 2006-2009. Abstract: Community integration is the acculturation strategy with best results in terms of well-being in the process of immigrants’ adjustment to a new context. Furthermore, it increases social cohesion, avoids the development of racist attitudes in the receiving population and promotes symmetrical intergroup relationships. However, immigrants are often...

1 de January de 2006