CESPYD on the Radio of the University of Seville- RADIUS

On the occasion of International Migrants Day, the program i-Radiando Igualdad, broadcast on RADIUS, featured Virginia Paloma as a guest. During the program, Virginia shared the findings of the research project “The Migratory Experience of Women at the University of Seville”. This study was promoted by the University of Seville’s...

26 de January de 2025

CESPYD participates in the VII Action-Research Conference with Roma Communities

On December 12th 2024, CESPYD members Valeria Terán-Tinedo and Belén Soto-Ponce participated in the panel “Digital Inclusion and Socio-Labor Integration of the Roma Population” at the VII Action-Research Conference with Roma Communities, organized by the Observatory of Social Exclusion at the University of Murcia. Valeria Terán-Tinedo focused on the crucial...

17 de December de 2024

Ain’t I a Woman?’: Feminist Participatory Action-Research with African Migrant Women Living in Spain

Reference: Cubero, A. & Garrido, R. (2023). Ain’t I a Woman?’: Feminist Participatory Action-Research with African Migrant Women Living in Spain. International Migration and Integration, 24, 1611–1634. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12134-023-01020-0 Abstract: There is a growing trend towards a feminization of migration which calls for an urgent intersectional analysis in migration and integration...

8 de December de 2024

NEXTROM launches its new website!

NEXTROM has launched its own website to provide the academic community and the general public with direct access to its progress, activities, and resources. The website, accessible at institucional.us.es/nextrom/, will become the main hub for sharing information on the project’s achievements and advancements, as well as reflecting NEXTROM’s commitment to...

18 de November de 2024

Recognition of YILÓ and its alliance with the ANDAROMI Project

YILÓ received significant recognition for its work supporting Roma girls in the Torreblanca and Polígono Sur neighborhoods. Antonio Huerta from the Junta de Andalucía’s Ministry of Social Inclusion, Youth, Families, and Equality, and Jose Luis Garcia Martin from the Ayuntamiento of Sevilla, honored the association’s contributions to empowering Roma girls...

13 de November de 2024

CESPYD in the Alliance for Migration Research

The Alliance for Migration Research is an international initiative led by the SAMU Foundation (Spain) and the SAMU Foundation (USA) through its SAMU Institute for Scientific Research. Its objective is to facilitate an international collaborative environment that fosters the development of studies on migration and its impacts. The Founding Meeting...

29 de October de 2024

We presented a Report on Mental Health in CIEs

In the context of the Seminar on Mental Health, Human Rights and Minority Groups, on June 7, 2024, the Jesuit Migrant Service (SJM) and CESPYD held a public presentation of the report “An Approach to the Mental Health of Migrants in Spain’s Immigrant Detention Centers”. More specifically, Armando Agüero-Collins of...

18 de June de 2024

Kick-off Meeting of the Project MadresUP

On Thursday, June 6, 2024, in classroom 5 of the Faculty of Psychology, the kick-off meeting of the project “Empowering the Resilient Motherhood of Migrant, Refugee, and Roma Women for their Psychosocial Well-being (MadresUP)” was held. The members of the MadresUP team, together with community allies, met to share the...

An article by CESPYD is Recognised as Top Cited Article by Wiley

The article “Community Participation and Subjective Wellbeing Among the Immigrant Population in Northern Italy: An Analysis of Mediators”, published in the American Journal of Community Psychology, has been recognised by Wiley as one of the 10 most cited articles published in 2022-2023. You can check this publication here: https://cespyd.es/en/publications/community-participation-and-subjective-wellbeing-among-the-immigrant-population-in-northern-italy-an-analysis-of-mediators/ 

3 de May de 2024

Empowering Resilient Motherhood among African Migrant Women Settled in Seville

Coordinator: Virginia Paloma. Duration: 2023. Abstract: This project aims to find out how motherhood develops in contexts of adversity, as well as to promote the exercise of resilient motherhood among African migrant women settled in Seville. To this end, a participatory needs assessment will be carried out with 30 African...

18 de December de 2023

Contribution in The Routledge International Handbook on Posttraumatic Growth

Reference:  Paloma, V., Martínez-Damia, S., de la Morena, I., López-Torres, C., & Berbel, I. (2023). A Community-based intervention to enhance posttraumatic growth among refugees in receiving societies. In R. Berger (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook on Posttraumatic Growth (pp. 542-555). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781032208688 Abstract: This chapter discusses a community-based intervention aimed...

11 de December de 2023

CESPYD hosts and participates in the organisation of the 1st International Congress on African and Decolonial Studies: contributions to the deconstruction of academic thought

On 29, 30 November and 1 December 2023, the 1st International Conference on African and Decolonial Studies: contributions to the deconstruction of academic thought was held at the Faculty of Psychology, where members of the CESPYD team participated as the organising committee and made scientific contributions.   To overcome the...

4 de December de 2023

A CESPYD Job at Communitypsychology.com

The article “Community participation and subjective wellbeing among the immigrant population in northern Italy: An analysis of mediators”, published in the American Journal of Community Psychology by Martínez-Damia, S., Paloma, V., Luesia, J.F., Marta , E. , and Marzana, D. (https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12652), has been adapted to an informative format and published...

7 de November de 2023

Different Media Echo the CIE 2022 Report of the Jesuit Service to Migrants.

The Jesuit Service to Migrants (SJM) has presented its 2022 Annual Report on Foreigners’ Detention Centres (CIE) in Spain, entitled ‘Inequalities that generate inequality’. In this Report, CESPYD has collaborated in anticipation of the main results of a study on the mental health of inmates, carried out in collaboration with...

13 de June de 2023

The Mediating Role of Migrant Community-Based Organizations: Challenges and Coping Strategies

Reference: Martínez-Damia, S., Marzana, D.; Paloma, V., & Marta, E. (2023). The mediating role of migrant community-based organizations: Challenges and coping strategies. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11266-023-00572-0 Abstract: Migrant community-based organizations (MCBOs) are key mediating structures between immigrants and host societies. However, when implementing this role...

Activism among female migrant domestic workers: a qualitative study in southern Spain

Reference: Aceros, J.C., Duque, T. & Paloma, V. (2023). El activismo en las migrantes trabajadoras del hogar: Estudio cualitativo en el sur de España. Estudios Fronterizos, 24, e116. https://doi.org/10.21670/ref.2305116 Abstract: Domestic work is an oppressive occupational niche for migrant women. The strategies domestic workers employ to resist this situation have...

5 de May de 2023

The media echo La Casa de los Sueños: the report from El País

  Raúl Limón, a journalist from the Science section of El País, also visited La Casa de Los Sueños to report on the work carried out in the [J]ITANA and Power2Romi projects, coordinated by CESPYD and Yiló’s career. To do so, she relied on the voices of the women and...

11 de April de 2023

RTVE covers the inauguration of La Casa de los Sueños

  La Casa de Los Sueños, organised by Yiló-CESPYD, has obtained a wide repercussion at the local and national levels. RTVE covered the opening of the exhibition La Casa de los Sueños on the Radio 5 programme “En Primera Persona”, hosted by Sandra Camps. In this programme, the challenges faced...

9 de April de 2023

La Casa de los Sueños

La Casa de los Sueños is a sample of the heart of the women of Polígono Sur, in which they invite everyone, especially Roma girls, to dream, wish, and imagine their future goals. It is located in Factoría Cultural, in a space converted into a Roma house, whose routes are...

6 de April de 2023

An Article by Virginia Paloma Recognized as a Top Downloaded Paper by Wiley

The article “The Roles of Settings in Supporting Immigrants’ Resistance to Injustice and Oppression: A policy Statement by the Society for Community Research and Action, Division 27 of the American Psychological Association”, published in the American Journal of Community Psychology, has been recognised by Wiley as one of the most...

31 de March de 2023

Virginia Paloma speaks at the European Economic and Social Committee

On 16 March, the final conference of the European ATHENA project “Entrepreneurship as a Path to Socio-Economic Inclusion of Migrant Women” took place at the European Economic and Social Committee. The objective of the event was to present and discuss with the key stakeholders and European politicians the results of...

17 de March de 2023

Virginia Paloma speaks at a conference organised by Acción Verapaz

On 8 February, Virginia Paloma, coordinator of CESPYD, took part as a speaker at the 15th Conference on “Citizenship and Migratory Movements: Proposals for Coexistence and Integration”, organised by the Acción Verapaz association and the parish of San Jacinto (Seville).

9 de February de 2023

CESPYD hosts the Preparatory Meeting for the III Ibero-American Permanent Forum “Afro-descendant Women and Human Rights Defenders”

CESPYD, in collaboration with the Haurralde Foundation and the Asociación Afro y Defensoras de Derechos Humanos (Colombia), has held the first preparatory meeting of the “III Ibero-American Permanent Forum of Afro-descendant Women and Human Rights Defenders”.   This preparatory meeting took place in the Faculty of Psychology of the University...

6 de February de 2023

Community participation and subjective wellbeing among the immigrant population in Northern Italy: An analysis of mediators

Reference: Martinez-Damia, S., Paloma, V., Luesia, J. F., Marta, E., & Marzana, D. (2023). Community participation and subjective wellbeing among the immigrant population in Northern Italy: An analysis of mediators. American Journal of Community Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12652 Abstract: Community participation can be a potential strategy to increase the degree of the subjective wellbeing of immigrants within receiving societies....

21 de January de 2023

ANDAROMI: Empowering andalusian Romani mother-daughter womanhood mattering through reproductive justice

Coordinators: Daniela-Eugenia Miranda and Manuel García-Ramírez. Duration: Ongoing project. Abstract: The post-pandemic Spain must ensure that the next generations of Romani women definitively overcome the inequalities they have suffered for centuries and harness new emerging opportunities. It is widely recognized that Romani women and girls are in risk of facing even a...

20 de December de 2022

CESPYD participates in 30 Years of Photovcoice Past, Present, Future Conference

Daniela E. Miranda and Belén Soto Ponce presented the Photovoice methodology implemented in the [J]itana and Power2Romi project carried out collaboratively with the Yilo association and the Roma girls from Polígono Sur and Torreblanca in the city of Seville. The presentation focused on the progress of the methodology as an...

25 de September de 2022

El Activismo de las Trabajadoras del Hogar Latinoamericanas en Sevilla

Reference: Duque, T., Aceros, J.C., & Paloma, V. (2022). El activismo de las trabajadoras del hogar latinoamericanas. Sevilla: Asociación de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores del Hogar de Sevilla, Universidad Industrial de Santander & Universidad de Sevilla. Presentation: En primavera del año 2020 realizamos un trabajo de investigación en el que entrevistamos...

5 de June de 2022

Sociopolitical Development of Female Migrant Domestic Workers in Southern Spain: A Qualitative Study of a Pathway against Injustice

Reference: Duque, T., Aceros, J.C., & Paloma, V. (2022). Sociopolitical development of female migrant domestic workers in southern Spain: A qualitative study of a pathway against injustice. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. http://doi.org/10.1002/casp.2613. Abstract: Domestic work is a sector characterized by various forms of injustice, prompting some women...

19 de April de 2022

Promoting Justice through Community‐based Research: International Case Studies

Reference: Suarez‐Balcazar, Y., Balcazar, F., Miranda, D. E., Velazquez, T., Arcidiacono, C., & Garcia‐Ramirez, M. (2022). Promoting justice through community‐based research: International case studies. American Journal of Community Psychology, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12584. Abstract: Community‐based participatory research (CBPR) approaches to promoting justice focus on working from the ground up and giving a...

11 de March de 2022

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Psychological Well-being of Migrants and Refugees Settled in Spain

Reference: Garrido, R., Paloma, V., Benítez, I., Skovdal, M., Verelest, A. & Derluyn, I. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the psychological well-being of migrants and refugees settled in Spain. Ethnicity & Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/13557858.2022.2035692. Abstract: Objectives. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated health inequalities worldwide, having a disproportionately harsh impact on...

12 de February de 2022

Community-engaged Asset Mapping with Latinx Immigrant Families of Youth with Disabilities

Reference: Suarez‐Balcazar, Y., Early, A., Miranda, D. E., Marquez, H., Maldonado, A. & Garcia‐Ramirez, M. (2021). Community-engaged asset mapping with Latinx immigrant families of youth with disabilities. American Journal of Community Psychology, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12578. Abstract: Asset mapping is a participatory methodology that engages community members in identifying services and settings...

11 de January de 2022

COVID-19: How One-size-fits-all Policies Negatively Impact the Roma Population

Reference: Ana Gutiérrez-Martínez, Susana Gema Alés Álvarez, Tainara Paulon Protasio & Daniela E. Miranda. COVID-19: how one-size-fits-all policies negatively impact the Roma population. European Public Health Alliance (EPHA). Abstract: Public policies concerning health and economic recovery have ignored the specific experiences of Roma families and communities during the pandemic. Scientific...

16 de December de 2021

Breastfeeding Experiences of Latina Migrants Living in Spain: A Qualitative Descriptive Study

Reference: Iglesias-Rosado, B. & Leon-Larios, F. (2021). Breastfeeding experiences of Latina migrants living in Spain: a qualitative descriptive study. Int Breastfeed J 16, 76. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13006-021-00423-y. Abstract: Background. The migratory flows in Spain have changed due to the arrival of a diverse migrant population. Among the new migrants the Latino collective...

9 de November de 2021

PHV_SEGREV: Mainstreaming gender and sexual violence awareness at the university through the practice of Photovoice

Coordinator: Barbara Biglia (IP). GREDI Intercultural Education Research Group. Rovira i Virgili University. Duration: Ongoing project. Abstract: The PhV_SeGReV project: Mainstreaming sensitivity to gender and sexual violence at university through the practice of Photovoice (Ref. 2020 INDOV 00003), aims to create an internationally validated material to introduce sexual and gender-based violence...

18 de October de 2021

Involvement in Maternal Care by Migrants and Ethnic Minorities: A Narrative Review

Reference: De Freitas, C., Massag, J., Amorim, M. & Fraga, S. (2020). “Involvement in maternal care by migrants and ethnic minorities: a narrative review”. Public Health Reviews 41 5, 41: 5. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40985-020-00121-w. Abstract: Background. Guidelines for improving the quality of maternal health services emphasise women’s involvement in care. However, evidence...

15 de October de 2021

Migrants’ Involvement in Health Policy, Service Development and Research in the WHO European Region: A Narrative Review Policy and Practice

Reference: MacFarlane, A., Ogoro, M., De Freitas, C., Niranjan, V., Severoni, S. & Waagensen, E. (2021). “Migrants’ involvement in health policy, service development and research in the WHO European Region: A narrative review policy and practice”. Tropical Medicine & International Health. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tmi.13643. Abstract: OBJECTIVES. The involvement of individuals and communities...

CESPYD Attends Fundamental Rights Forum 2021 to Discuss Role of Roma Girls in Advocacy and Political Participation

CESPYD asiste al Fundamental Rights Forum 2021 para hablar del rol de las niñas gitanas en la abogacía y la participación política el día 12 de octubre a las 14.30 horas (CET). Para más información, os dejamos el enlace de la sesión: https://epha.org/investing-in-roma-youth-for-advancing-fairer-and-healthier-european-societies/  Welcome to the Fundamental Rights Forum 2021...

11 de October de 2021